
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I might have to pop over the hill to visit a shop that is walking distance from Concord in the very near future - probably won’t need any services but a place to park, and a way to get on and off the field on foot. Anyone experienced with the field know where a good place to park would be, and any tricks to getting in and out in the air (or on the ground)?

I might have to pop over the hill to visit a shop that is walking distance from Concord in the very near future - probably won’t need any services but a place to park, and a way to get on and off the field on foot. Anyone experienced with the field know where a good place to park would be, and any tricks to getting in and out in the air (or on the ground)?


I go there once or twice per month. Just south of Pacific States Aviation there is transient parking, and a gate to walk in and out of.

Not a very tricky airport in or out of. Should be a breeze.
The Crowne Plaza Hotel is immediately adjacent to CCR's SE side and offers a big transient tiedown area. I haven't visited there in a couple of years but it still should be available -- what with airport security and Covid, you might call first. CCR is a somewhat complicated multi-runway /multi-taxiway airport so have a taxi map available.
On the way in, work with Travis Approach and they will hand you off to the tower.
Years ago, I used to park at the Sheraton. I guess it is the Crowne Plaza now. If you will be there during normal business hours, the FBOs work fine. I have always gone in and out through Sterling Aviation. It is kind of on the "corner" of all the buildings on the south side of the airport.
Thanks everyone - flew over and back today, went slick - the transient ramp at the south end has a combo-lock gate (with the combo written on the inside, as usual....), and it was about a 200 yard walk to the place I needed to visit. Didn’t need fuel or services, so this worked out great!