
Well Known Member
I posted a question recently inquiring about hangar availability in the area (still looking by the way). That thread pointed out that I may have limited options in the County to base my plane at for first flight and phase one testing... Does anyone know a DAR I could contact regarding this matter or can anyone confirm with some certainty which airports those are?

I live closest to Montgomery Field (KMYF) but that and Palomar (KCRQ) are probably cost prohibitive. Which leaves Gillespie (KSEE) Brown (KSDM) and Ramona (KRNM). I Know Ramona is Legit but it is about 45 min. to an hour from home :mad:
Phase 1

Ramona is best for Phase one as the flight area is very large - typically east of the airport about 50 miles. and south to the border. Weather is usually better here than in the rest of the county. We also have a DAR at the field.:)

Good Luck with the build.
+1 for KRNM

Agree w/ Jim with respect to basing at Ramona:
very experimental friendly,
assigned test area is extensive,
numerous airports in the test area if you have to set down quickly,
controllers experienced with test flights, patterns, and deconfliction.

With respect to a DAR, John Shablow is a good one, and while he's based further North (Orange County?), he's very experienced, and may be able to resolve some of your questions; pm me offline for contact info.
I found a local DAR at Ramona from looking at the list on the FAA site. His name is Matt Hlavac. Anyone have any experience using him? I've exchanged a few emails with him about doing the inspection on my -9A when the time comes. Would appreciate any feedback positive or negative before I commit.