
Well Known Member
Hey guys, on Thursday I will fly to LAX to spend my holidays in California. On Monday I will pick up my foreign based PPL license (FSDO Riverside) and then I will rent a Cessna or Piper to see the region a bit from above.

But of course I would like to meet some RV guys! As I will spend a lot of time around Chino / Riverside it would be great to know if there are some RVs based!

If you are from the region and if you would like to show me your plane don`t hesitate to contact me! I am there until the 19th of November.

Cheers from Switzerland!

Chino is RV heaven. Will you have a access to a U.S. phone number while you are here?
I will second that! I spent a Saturday at Chino meeting RV 'family'. It was a lot of fun. Bill Palmer was my host that day.

Hi Yves,

The best day to visit Chino would be Saturday. If you’re interested, send me a PM. Welcome to Southern California. :D

Peter McCoy (RV-9A) and I (RV-8A in-work) are at B260, Hangar 9 on the east side.
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Santa Paula is an excellent airport to visit. Weekend would be best. Lots of antique and homebuilt airplanes.
Saturday, November 14 is the Ramona Airport Open House. Lots of RV'ers there besides me. Easy half hour flight from Chino/Riverside.
Dear all,

thank you for all the replies! I just arrived in
a Motel at Redondo Beach and a P-51 flew directly
over me towards the sea into the sunset! What a welcome
to California!

As I will pick up my license on monday I
have some time to check the airports out by car.

So for Saturday I plan to go to Chino!

@Rosie: As I want to visit a Friend in Lancaster your
place would be on the way! I will write you as soon as I know more.


Cheers Yves

PS: I plan to rent a plane at Torrance airfield. So if someone is based there let me know!
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Yves, hope to meet you at Chino on Saturday. We have 2.5 RVs in our hangar: a 6A, a 9A, and a half-built 12. Bill knows the way...it's the next hangar over from his.

Dear all,

thank you for all the replies! I just arrived in
a Motel at Redondo Beach and a P-51 flew directly
over me towards the sea into the sunset! What a welcome
to California!

As I will pick up my license on monday I
have some time to check the airports out by car.

So for Saturday I plan to go to Chino!

@Rosie: As I want to visit a Friend in Lancaster your
place would be on the way! I will write you as soon as I know more.


Cheers Yves

PS: I plan to rent a plane at Torrance airfield. So if someone is based there let me know!


I am based at Torrance with an RV-8. I will be there all day tomorrow (Friday) repairing a bird strike dent on my leading edge and reinstalling my left fuel tank. (battle damage from the Reno Air Races).

The P-51 you saw was quit possibly Darren Moore's "Miss Kandy"
also based at Torrance


yes it was "Miss Kandy"! I will be in Toreance today to
make a appointement with the flying school. So I will
check if I find you!

Lets hope I meet you guys on Saturday at Chino!
