
Well Known Member
My wife and I will be moving to Augusta in about three months and wondered if there were any other RV'ers in the area. We're on the waiting list for a hangar at KDNL. If anyone has any recommendations for other hangar options, please let me know.

Welcome to the area, Ken. Lots of RVs 60 miles ENE @ KCUB. I am sure there are some in that area, but we have a great group here. Come visit!:D
Peachtree City,Ga

33+ flying RV's at KFFC, Falcon Field. Plus, Spruce East is on the field also.

Come see us!
Boshears Skyfest

There is gong to be a great air show at Daniel Field in October that will have a bunch of RVs in it..stop in and say hello.
Down here

Hi Ken. I'm based in Louisville, Ga. (2J3) and there is hangar space available here. If you don't mind the 45 minute drive, I have a -10 and an Ag spraying business. We have a 5,000 X 100' paved runway and self-serve avgas and Jet-A.

I can be reached at 478 494 three 7 five 7.

Pea Patch aerodrome.

Forgot to mention our grass field at our EAA 172 Chapter (61GA) may well have hangar space there and also houses several RV's. We meet on the second Saturday of each month at 12:00 p.m. for lunch and a meeting.

Future Flight Plan

Thanks for all the inputs. I now have places to go: 61GA 2J3 32GA FFC CUB, from DNL and return, 02:31 394.2 NM :)

Pierre, I will look you up after we get to Augusta and keep 2J3 in mind if a closer home for the RV doesn't turn up. I will also check into 61GA. I haven't had my RV-7 on a turf runway yet, but it should be no problem.
Hangar Found

Good news! I found a hangar just down the road at Thomson-McDuffie County airport KHQU. We're really looking forward to our move to Georgia. It also gets us closer to our property at Eagle Neck, where we would eventually like to build our retirement home.
Lotsa RV's down here.

Ken, a friend of mine is at OKZ, 24 miles west of me and has built all RV models, including a -10 and his own -4 and is where all my annuals get done..Ray Lawrence, and both my stepsons/Marine reservists are working for him, building RV's and becoming A&P's.
