
Well Known Member
Will be in Springdale AR for a few days next week and wondered if any builders there could put up a couple of California builders for a 2-3 nights?
Interesting stories, dinners out on me and plenty of hanger flying :rolleyes: in return.
Ron - RV-4 (125 hours so far)
[email protected]
If you're in Springdale, it's worth stopping by and visiting the consumate RV'ers themselves at TruTrak. Bunch of really great guys, and their RV-10 is Gorgeous - not to mention a couple of Jim's other planes! It won't take days, but it's worth a few minutes to stop by if they have the time.

Will Do

Thanks Stein, :)
We already had that on our agenda. I have the Pictorial Pilot and love it. I understand Jim is a wonderful Craftsman and look forward to seeing Bobby's planes too. We're actually going there to look over, and maybe purchase a Cessna 310. Taking Southwest in...hope the ice doesn't cause a driving problem from Tulsa.
Sprindale, AR

Hi Ron,
have Jim or anyone at Trutrak send you to the Fayetteville museum. That were Jim has many of his airplanes. For the wife, I recomend the "Eagle Mill" just about 20 minutes drive from Trutrak. I know is not airplane related, but the wife will thank you for it.