Would really like to have a chat, see the planes in real life, at any stage of build. Ideal would be a 9. Please reply to this thread if you know anyone.
Aloha Daniel, if you want to take a short drive over to Rio Vista I can show you a RV9a/RV-7/RV-3 ring me up or shoot me a text
Aloha Daniel, if you want to take a short drive over to Rio Vista I can show you a RV9a/RV-7/RV-3 ring me up or shoot me a text

Thanks for the kind offer Lee, and the opportunity to see so many different ones at the same time is very appealing. I'm out of town on and off for the next few weeks so will reach out nearer the end of the month. Are weekdays or weekends better to meet up?
bunch of us

There are a few RVs. RV6s, RV7s, RV10s, HRs. Most of us are on the Northwest side but there are a few on the east side too. Not sure about RV9s though.
Send me a PM

There are numerous RVs - come to the MDPA or EAA 393 meetings.