
Hi all

I'm fairly new to flying in general with only a handfull of hours in a Skyhawk under my belt, but I've been hooked. One of the instructors told me about Vans and after lots of online research I want to build one, but it would be a good idea to see one in person before I make the commitment to build one. Is there anyone in the southern New England area with an RV they would like to show off? Especially if there are any -8s in the area I would love to see them up close.
I am in the same situation.....just a couple hours but the choice of planes is clear! Your going down the right track...find some in the area and go up for a spin! You won't regret it.

I flew an RV-4 for just a few minutes and it was so nice! I don't have near the experience as most on here so take that for what it's worth but I am getting closer to pulling the trigger on my build!

Good luck!

Greg and Andy have came to the right place!

I am glad I started out in a 172 and got a few "slow" xc trips under my belt before hopping in the -10(after 5.8 hrs of transition trng). Learn a lot about weather and ensure you budget to keep your flying skills up at least once every month. They are a blast to fly, 3-4 times faster and cheaper on fuel than my SUV. The only disadvantage I have found is that many pilots assume I am just another one of those "cowboy experimental RV guys".

Watch out for that Knobil guy, he is trouble. He is responsible for more than one RV convert, including me! Stay well clear I tell you.
Greg and Andy have came to the right place!

I am glad I started out in a 172 and got a few "slow" xc trips under my belt before hopping in the -10(after 5.8 hrs of transition trng). Learn a lot about weather and ensure you budget to keep your flying skills up at least once every month. They are a blast to fly, 3-4 times faster and cheaper on fuel than my SUV. The only disadvantage I have found is that many pilots assume I am just another one of those "cowboy experimental RV guys".

Depends on how you arrive, taxi and depart.
I know of an -8 at POU, I actually think there are two -8's there. My 7 is down at SWF. A grass strip by me has another RV builder and both his 6 and 7 are there.

Until Easter I very busy and out of town. I'm only home two days week and thats Mon and Tues. If weather breaks and daylight allows. I do my best to come up before Easter. Unless you can get off of work on Mon or Tues and I'll bust up the first nice day in my 7.

Thanks for the welcome everyone. I'm expecting the RV experience to be nothing less than a whole lot of awesome.

Nick, I'm based out of KBAF in Westfield, MA so I'll have a bit of a drive to get there (still no XC experience yet) but it'll be worth it to see an -8.

James, taking off Mondays or Tuesdays will be pretty difficult but I can always drive over after work. And I'm off until new years so if we have good weather before then I could drive down.

Drive to Wiscasset??? What are you...nuts? BAF is an hour from IWI.

Fred Stucklen flew up from from CT in IMC to give me my first ride in an RV (a long time ago)...and I'd been building for two years...I remember that ride still, and the way Fred laughed and laughed (Fred, you out there?).

Whaddya doin this weekend (assuming the wx is okay)?
No plans yet for Saturday and Sunday. What did you have in mind?

And for the record, I would happily drive 4+ hours for the chance to see an -8.
Ahhhh, aviation.....always a day late and a "bunch" of dollars short!

Scooter, to bad you didn't run this thread lt week. I only had enough time for a short flight this weekend so Saturday we flew up to BAF for a lunch at the cafe up there.

James is correct, I'm one of the 3 , -8's in POU and there is another -6. There is also an 8 at the 90% complete phase which should arrive this summer.

Drop me a PM with your contact info and next time I come up I'll drop you a note.

No need to go very far from KBAF to see RVs. There is at least 1 rv8 at Simsbury Airport and Meriden Airport in CT. Check eaa ch324 in Simsbury, or ch 27 in Meridan. If an 8A would work you can look at mine at Brainard in Hartford khfd. Eaa 166 is having their end of year informal luncheon on Sat at 11:30 at the airport at Brainard. There will be multiple rv owners in attendance if you can make it. My plane along with about 6 others are based on the field.

Also rv's ( not 8's) located at Westover and North Hampton airports near you.

If you decide to build, there are a number of eaa chapters near you. Pick one and go to a meeting to see how you like it.

We are meeting at the restaurant on the field, Wings restaurant. Take I91 to the airport exit south of the city, and follow signs ... About 1/2 mile. The restaurant is in the same building as Altantic aviation FBO.


The wx is looking pretty thrashy this weekend. (They don't make apocalypses like they used to, huh?)

Let us find a day where we don't have to grit our teeth so hard...
First Ride

Yes, I remember that day quite well! I'm wintering in Florida, but am in CT for the holidays. If you guys want to get together Sunday, let me know. I've got the RV-7A (the third RV!) at BAF in hanger 2 (under the tower). I'll need time to pre-heat as I still have SAE50 oil in it.....

Fred Stucklen
RV-7A N924RV 800+ Hrs in just over 4 yrs


Drive to Wiscasset??? What are you...nuts? BAF is an hour from IWI.

Fred Stucklen flew up from from CT in IMC to give me my first ride in an RV (a long time ago)...and I'd been building for two years...I remember that ride still, and the way Fred laughed and laughed (Fred, you out there?).

Whaddya doin this weekend (assuming the wx is okay)?

Get to know Fred. He's a smart guy (unlike yours truly), and used to present the Aviation Electrical Seminars at the now defunct RV builder's forum in upstate NY.
Scooter and Andy,

Some advice on building:

Most people start with zero building experience.
Take two Sportair building classes
Sheetmetal first then wiring
Join local EAA chapter.
You can have a blast building a plane.
You make all the decisions on the build yourself.
Get a lot of detail here but always use good judgement.
Local builders-flyers are always best resources

Good luck in your adventures