
I'm New Here
Hello all, I have been lurking on this forum for a little over a month now and am quite happy with how friendly the RV community seems to be. I?ve always had the dream of getting into aviation but knew it would be unrealistic until I was a bit older had a bit of extra cash since, as it turns out, flying isn?t cheap.

My dream has always been to get involved in aerobatics, and after taking a ride in an Extra I was hooked. It was at that time that the pilot informed me that once I got my PPL I could start acro training. That was all I needed to hear! I took my first flying lesson on 10/2/17, solo?d on 11/11/17, and passed my check ride on 12/27/18. I have since then slowly started progress on my IFR and plan on working through that process this winter. My work is seasonal so I have quite a bit of downtime through the fall/winter.

After researching planes over the last year or so I am pretty well set on an RV... although still not dead set on a specific model. I?m heavily leaning towards an RV7 but feel that the 8 may be an option as well. I?ve got a factory tour and demo flight planned for early November as well as a builder fundamentals course at Synergy Air the following day. I just want to make sure I?m not getting in way over my head with the idea of building my own plane before I commit to buying the kit and all the required tools.

I?m hopeful that they will be able to answer the majority of my questions during that trip however I?m also hoping to connect with some locals that have built their own RV?s. According to a few people at the FBO there are multiple RV?s based out of KLOU and even a Harmon Rocket, but I?m not sure how exactly to meet any of them. I figured this forum is probably a good place to start! I?m certainly not looking for free rides or anything of the sort, just some people to chat with about their experiences that are also willing to let me look around their planes and just generally check them out.

Thanks for reading!
Jimmy V
Yes there are

There are some RV's based out of Bowman Field as well as Clark County across the river. Most are owned by UPS pilots or retired UPS pilots. Maybe someone will reply that's based there.
I'm based out of KBAK if you're willing to drive an hour. I have a completed RV-8 and an RV-10 under construction.
@ctennis Absolutely! I appreciate the offer and would love to take you up on in anytime you are available. I?ll PM you my info. Thanks!
Several RV's at Bowman. I have an RV9a under construction, is a 6a next door to me, and an RV8 and that is just the ones I know in the West T's.

I would plan to attend an EAA 110 meeting or event. In fact there is a picnic this sunday down at Vinegrove starts at 1:30.

I will be at airport tomorrow around 5 to 6pm if you want to check out my boring straight and level 9a.

[email protected]
It?s great to see so many responses as well as builds currently in progress locally.

@ty1295 I?ll actually be flying tomorrow from 2-4 so I?ll hang out afterward and check out your 9A if that?s ok. I?ll shoot you an email in the morning.
I have an RV8 at bowman..I'm out there most days and fly with several other RVs regularly..another 8 and a rocket. Lots of building experience in our group as well. Ill be out there tomorrow morning..feel free to call me

Five zero two..457..four four 88

We can go for a ride anytime after 11