
I need a "see how it flies", flight. First, I am not a pilot. (Had about 6 lessons in a glider when I was in my twenties.) But, I could be convinced through sheer peer pressure to join the RV club. The one without advanced reservations and dump stations.

I have never flown in an RV, but would like to. Why? My long term interest in aviation is reaching the Bna. That is, the "build never exceed age."

And thus I am considering seriously purchasing one. First of course, getting the private pilot rating out of the way. Then the airplane itself.

Would love to build, but at age 52, I am not wanting to delay things with that. I want to fly, point to point, fast. Why? Because I hate driving long distance to visit friends and family.

And I can probably purchase an RV, for less than I could build one today, considering there are so many RVs on the market now.

So I need a test flight in one to convince me that I should indeed go into debt, and drain my bank accounts.

I know, I know, I can buy a lot of airline tickets for the same dough. And who likes flying airlines? Raise your hand. Mhmmm

So, is there anyone in the Sioux Falls, SD area with an RV who is willing to give a guy a sales fly?

I know I saw one at the Tea airport one day. Not sure if it was local or transient.
There are quite a few RV's out of Lincoln county airport.(Tea) The local EAA chapter has a pancake breakfast third Saturday of every month from 8 to 10:30 at there building at the Lincoln County airport. There is one this Saturday. You could try to get a ride there.