Master Designs

Well Known Member
Looking to see if any RV builders or RV owners on the board are also based out of KIWA. I just moved in and I'm going to be changing out my weldments and might need some friendly RV company. :D

I'm at chd, with a 6A. Changing out weldments? That doesn't sound like fun. I could help if you need a 2nd set of hands, though I'd rather do some formation practice.
Here's another way to meet fellow builders

On the first Sat of every month there is a breakfast FLY IN at P08 (Coolidge). Typically, there are beaucoup RVs there from the Phx and Tucson areas. Yesterday, I counted 15.

My guess is there are more than 100 RVs near KIWA.

See you on Nov 6.