
Well Known Member
Hey everyone,

My baffle seals definitely need work. Based off looking at my cowling and the seals themselves, I'd say there's about 50% functional sealing along the top cowling. My fight with high CHTs eventually led me to time my mags to 23 BTDC, and this along with richening the idle mixture and removing the air dams in front of 1&2 have made my bird quite functional again. However, I want that power back, and I know I've just put a band-aid on the problem.

I have no building experience, and I've outsourced so much work already, it's really time I put my hangar to use and got my hands dirty. If anyone is around KSEE and could supervise me while I replace the baffle seals, I would be extremely appreciative. Happy to buy beer, food, even pay you, I just want to do this myself and have an experienced hand close by so I know I'm doing everything right.

Cheers :)
