
Well Known Member
I am looking seriously into having an RV-7A built. I am a contractor and am very busy with my company so I do not have time to build the plane myself. I am looking for a person in my area that has extensive experience building RV planes, that would be interested in taking on the project for me. Please contact me if anyone is interested or knows someone in my area that may be iterested.
Looking for a 7A

I really like Tony's plane and believe me it is very tempting, however I am looking for a Vans RV-7A. Can a 7 can be converted to a 7A?

It appears Tony is a builder, maybe I can get him to build me one, however I was hoping to find someone in the area so that I can be more a part of seeing it come together and have someone that can help me work on it if it needs any future repairs once it is flying.
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I think the closest EAA chapter to Disco Bay is in Livermore. The last count I saw indicated three dozen RV owner/builders in that group, and all the expertise you'll ever need. Check out their web site; perhaps you can find someone willing to take on a new project...

A little farther out are the Stockton and Oakdale Chapters. Stockton just started up, but Oakdale's been around for awhile. They have a good program, and a hangar for members to finish up in. However, neither have the membership that Livermore does.

Good Luck
EAA 639 in Half Moon Bay might be closer than Livermore, depending upon what side of the bay you are on. Also, EAA 338 and EAA 62, both in San Jose. I think there are a few others in the bay area. Check the EAA website at

Builidig a 7A in San Jose Area

I have recently finished the tail section and will be going to factory next week to pickup the QB.

If you can find someone who is already building, try buying a kit have them being built side by side. You can work on it with them when you have time, and if they are willing, for a price they can keep the kits at the same point so there is less time wasted and less mistakes made. :).