
I'm New Here
Hello everyone,

I have been thinking very hard about building RV7/10, but I have doubts about my ability. Everyone on this forum seem to know a lot. I have done a lot of research and I am still overwhelm by assemby.

I am visiting family in Beaverton this week and would like to know if any rv builder be kind enough to show me their project. (Quick build) I like to see these planes in person, pictures does not help much.


[email protected]
Plant tour?

Van's is at Aurora, a mere half hour from Beaverton. I suggest you go there and they will be happy to explain how gosh darn easy it is to build one of these things. The plant tour is pretty enlightening also, just bring along about $30k to get things rolling...

I have a completed -6a I'd be happy to show you, and I could let you drive a few rivets in some scrap. My email is [email protected]

Sherwood, OR
QB is a shell only

Quick Build is a shell. I like to see how the controls and everything else is put together. I think putting together an airplane is a lot of work. I want to understand how to do it first before I get into something that is very challenging. From the tail to the prop, there are lots of components.