
Well Known Member
I'm looking for an RV-6A, and while I've seen many, I have not flown in one yet. Anyone around here willing to offer a fellow pilot a demo ride? Will pay for lunch and low-lead, of course. Norwood would be easiest location for me, but can meet at any of the local airports.
Hi turbo69bird. Thanks for reaching out. Much appreciated. Please PM me and perhaps we can arrange something for when the weather clears up. Weekdays are best for me, but will adapt to whatever is easiest for you.
That part of MA you are referring to is a taildragger territory. A closed society they don?t like us with training wheels, except Turbo :D

You will love 6A.
hey, watch out for that CJ guy, a bit crazy in the head and talks with a funny accent at times but seems to fly ok. did a check out with him at long island airpark last september and passed with flying colors. ;)
now for the turbo69bird guy, no relation there, but heavy into 4 wheel high horse power craziness, and may try to sell you some over rated swamp land.
vlad , totally normal. flys too much, thats all i can say.
look me up, rv6-a:cool: in the summer only, too crazy up there now with death defying temps and ice storms.
Hey Turbo, you have 5100 RV-6A hours and you say Vlad flies too much! Impressive. At any rate, the first hour seems to be the toughest to get!