
This might be a long-shot coming up to OSH...

I'm (still) in the (hair-pulling) process of mission definition/kit down-selection -- very close to pulling the trigger on a 9A. However, there's a creepy, waggish voice instructing me to checkout a 14A before I jump. I would be obliged with an opportunity to get up close to a real 14A near the Austin, TX area. I can fly to you if within reasonable spam-can range of KGTU.

Thank you,
Hi BendOver...,

If you're willing, I'd appreciate a run-down of your selection process experience. I've scoured the Internet and forums on the topic, but have only talked to a handful of real folks on the matter.

Are you building at home?
I’m located at 0TX1 Pecan Plantation in Granbury (SW of Ft Worth) - about an hour flight in the RV. I’d even be willing to fly down if you’re buying lunch.
Warning - I will shamelessly promote the RV 14.
I’m located at 0TX1 Pecan Plantation in Granbury (SW of Ft Worth) - about an hour flight in the RV. I’d even be willing to fly down if you’re buying lunch.
Warning - I will shamelessly promote the RV 14.

I would love to see your 14 as well. I flew the RV-7A at Vans back around the time the 10 came out. Flew in my friends RV-6 some as well. But haven't actually touched a Vans for years. You could solve my withdrawal.
Hi BendOver...,

If you're willing, I'd appreciate a run-down of your selection process experience. I've scoured the Internet and forums on the topic, but have only talked to a handful of real folks on the matter.

Are you building at home?

Selection was based on:
RV-14 wider than RV-9.
RV-14 range longer than RV-9
RV-14 cruise speed higher than RV-9.

RV-14 has a higher fuel burn. But if you run a RV-14 at 55% you beat a RV-9 top speed with up to 135HP engine.

My mission is to fly between Texas and Montana a lot so speed and and comfort (width) is what I went for. My impression is that the RV-14A will be a good cross country flyer with exceptional performance.
Group lunch?

I’m located at 0TX1 Pecan Plantation in Granbury (SW of Ft Worth) - about an hour flight in the RV. I’d even be willing to fly down if you’re buying lunch.
Warning - I will shamelessly promote the RV 14.


Given both BOHICA's and my interest, and our close proximity, it sounds like we should coordinate a group lunch? The Georgetown area has above-average eating establishments.

BTW, I have a buddy working on his IR that needs a lot of XC time. So, I'm also willing to fly up to Pecan Plantation if you're unable.

In the meantime, I'll take this conversation offline by PM'ing y'all my contact info.

Thank you!
Beauzo. Should you want to see build in progress I'm in GTU-engine mounted, panel done ready for gear, exhaust and cowling. She's a joy to build
RV-14 cruise speed higher than RV-9.

as a nonbuilder not sure how much the kit refinement makes in ease of build, but I think the RV-14 will be a much better long term market value.
Did anyone else get started? I'd like to see a build in action before I drop the hammer so to speak. I'm in the Georgetown area.

Hit me up on text if you are willing to let me see where you are in your build.

Tyson Brown
Did anyone else get started? I'd like to see a build in action before I drop the hammer so to speak. I'm in the Georgetown area.

Hit me up on text if you are willing to let me see where you are in your build.

Tyson Brown

About to finish My Horizontal stabilizer.
I'm waiting on my 14A tail kit to arrive here in San Angelo. A big factor for me is the matched drilled kit and newer generation plans. From what I've seen on the internet, the build process should be much more straight forward and more of an assembly process than anything. As a first time builder this was important to me. I agree with the other benefits mentioned.
I live just west of Fredericksburg and am close to finishing my RV-14A. It sounds like a lot of people in this part of Texas are interested in this plane. I would be happy to chat with anyone about why I chose the 14. Please let me know if I can be of assistance. Keith...
I'm in Sherman TX with a 14A

Hopefully it will be back from paint shop next week. Also, my EAA chapter is doing a build project on a 14A. Initial delivery is scheduled for December.