
Happy holidays everyone. I'm currently going through the paperwork and inventory on a project I recently purchased and drove back from Florida before getting started on the work. I'm just wondering if there are any other 9A builders in the Connecticut or southern New England area.


Jack Hilditch
Hi Jack!

Dave Chappy is not far from you. I haven't actually met him, but Danielson area comes to mind. I have his number and have spoken with him.

There is also Noah in southern Rhode Island. He is doing a -7A.

We have a growing contingent up here at KPYM and I host random "fly-ins" at my hangar if you are interested in flying up some time.

Shoot me an email and I will keep you posted of future events.

:) CJ
Hello I'm in Glastonbury, CT but I have an RV-8.. You are welcome to join our chapter in Meriden.. We have a few RV-9's and RV's of all other makes.. Mostly RV's:rolleyes:.. If you need any help I'm close by. Chuck Drake :) You just missed the Christmas party. :(. Just Pm Me and I'll give you a ring
RV-A builder

Just started the Right elevator, HS,VS and rudder are done. I reccommned EAA chapter 27 a lot of RV builders and is centrally located in Meriden

Don MacMillan
[email protected]
Thanks guys. I belong to the Hartford (166) and Skylark (1310) chapters, both of which have a selection of RV's flying and under construction. Larry Gagnon from 166 gave me my first RV ride in his 6 and is building a 6A at the moment. Aaron Gleixner, also from 166, gave me my second RV ride in his 8A. Those rides set the 'RV hook' and eliminated other choices for me.

I settled on the 9A because it seemed to fit my intended use pretty well, as a cross country design, but I have yet to sit in or fly one. I figured there might be a few 'gotchas' specific to the 9A somewhere in the building process, and 'local knowledge' available about resolving them. Even though this forum is very helpful, I thought I would ask if there were any under construction or flying in the southern New England area so I could see the actual issues and resolutions up close if possible.
New Bedford MA

Hi Jack
Hope to have my 9A flying by the end of Winter.
Used to belong to 166, and kept my Ercoupe at Skylark back in the 70's.
Please remind Joe Gauthier he owes me a visit. You can come too!!
Jack Rosen
[email protected]
Hey Jack, I have heard of you!

You are on the north side of the field near Al Audette's place!

I used to fly that old Aeronca Chief that was parked out front of Air Repair!

:) CJ
Hey Jack, I have heard of you!

You are on the north side of the field near Al Audette's place!

I used to fly that old Aeronca Chief that was parked out front of Air Repair!

:) CJ
Capt. John
I get very nervous when I hear "I've heard of You"!!!!
Our hangar is always open too.
Happy New Year All
If the Aeronca that you're talking about is yellow, it's still there with a new owner a couple of months ago.
You can't ask for anything better than having Aircraft Repairs just 50 yards away when you need the odd nut, bolt, washer, or a helping hand. I've also learned a lot about bucking rivets the odd time helping Albert.
I know there must be a lot of RV's under construction in the area. We should make an effort to find them.
For instance, there's a fellow renting a hanger in our complex that is building an-8 at his house. Sounds like he needs some motivation when he drops in to see my -9.
Jack, yah... that's the one!

It is a sweet little bird. I am friendly with it's previous owner.

There are a lot of builders in the area, and I know most of 'em!


Somehow, you have eluded me!


That guy down at Sandpiper is Wicked Stick on the forums. He and I collaborate quite a bit, actually!

In fact, he and I went up to Orange yesterday for lunch in his -4!

:) CJ
Mark was the previous owner. Now he has his 150 flying.
Let me know if you're in the area
My hanger number is 984 0406. I'm there about 6 days a week slaving away!!