
Well Known Member

I am a newbie VAF member and have been researching and contemplating an RV-7 build for months now. I cannot do any more planning though until I can meet some builders and hopefully take a flight with someone. So I am looking here for help. I saw the South Jersey thread and was amazed at how many positive responses it received, but I figured I try to post a little closer to home.

I am taking my Private Pilot training at Caldwell now and am about 1-2 weeks from solo I think (an exciting time!!). Since the RV is going to take near 3 years to build, I figure I really should make some hard decisions now and jump in.

So I would love to hear from anyone that might be interested in helping a newb.:) This seems like a great community, so I look forward to any replies.

Thanks!! Andy

PS. Incidentally, I train at CDW, but I live right down the road from Linden airport (if that matters to anyone).
Hi Andy,

I'm building a -7A in Langhorne PA. I'm about 1.5 hours away (with no traffic). You're welcome to stop by and see the project, and I'll be happy to help where I can.

Thanks Tom!!

I would love to see your build happening, but I am going to have to see if I can find someone a little closer for now anyway. But Can you tell me about your experiences so far?

Have you figured out any pearls of wisdom, or learned anything that you would do differently a second time around?

I guess I have all the same choices to figure out as everyone else. You know, like canopy style, 7 or 7A, Engine and all that comes with that choice, and I think the big one is going to be the instruments and avionics. Have you had to make these decisions yet? I guess some of them anyway.

I would love any opinions you have to offer. And thanks again for the offer to see your plane. I may still take you up on that down the road a little!!


I initially thought of building a quick build kit. Then I thought I would do the slow build wings and a QB fuselage. Then I decided to do slow build everything. I also built the engine at the Superior build school. So by the time of the first flight, I will have set every rivet and torqued every bolt. It's nice just for bragging rights, but I don't know if I would do it again. There is a lot of building for the fuselage. You make a lot more parts yourself. Not difficult, just time consuming. Also I primed everything. I estimate at least 10% of my building time was spent prepping and priming with an epoxy primer. Again, I don't know if I would do it the same way again.

I'm building a tri-gear. I waited till the last minute to decide between a tri-gear and tail dragger. I still don't know if I made the right choice. The tail dragger is sexier looking on the ground. It looks easier to build too. Mounting the landing gear mounts on mine was a royal pain. You'll see a lot of posts about tri-gear flip-overs on landing, and I won't continue to beat that dead horse. Pay your money and take your choice.

I went to a 2 day class with Tom Emery in Oakdale PA before I bought anything. It's a good head start if you've never done any metalwork. I wanted to make sure I had the right stuff before I made a financial commitment. The EAA also has some classes.

That's all the general stuff. The offer to see the project is always open.

Good luck and keep in touch.
That's great Tom. I'm going to need friends!!:)

Are those tip overs on grass strips? I've already resigned myself to the tail dragger. I figured I'd get an hour logger C140 when I got done with my pilot training. It would be slow, but should help me develop some skills and I could afford to keep fuel in it I think. And right from the get-go, I new I wanted to head West in it. Do some nice landings in a National park or two (if that is even allowed). I have a bit of a wilderness itch to scratch, so I just figured you needed the tail wheel for that. But along the way, I grew to like it anyway!

I understand your feelings on the full build. Believe it or not, I have a buddy that keeps trying to make me feel comfortable with a turn-key plane. But it just seems kind of wrong. That is, I am not going to feel worthy to fly it unless I turned the wrenches, so to speak. We'll see how that goes.

I too thought of the class to start. I found one through the EAA, down in Maryland. I could do it in a weekend, and learn a ton. But then I read the Van's stuffer in the materials they sent with my DVD. The tail school in Georgia is now something I am seriously considering. I like the fact that you have a fighting chance of coming away with a finished first kit (at least they say so anyway!). So I am trying to research that too.

To be honest, I think I can put all the parts together. I am a pretty stubborn and resourceful person. What I am having a hard time with is exactly what else do I have to do to put all those parts, a motor and whatever comes with that, and all the electronics together to make a working airplane out of it all. Just trying to understand the instrument and avionics choices is already buckling my knees!! Then you talk about things like carb versus FI, and fixed pitch versus constant speed, and I want to stop the project already.

How did you make all those choices? You look at some of the beautiful finished planes in here and it's easy to want to load up the plane with all kinds of shiny electronics and a nice injected CS set-up. I am wondering if it would just be simpler to go with some analog instruments and a carbureted fixed pitch engine. You know, keep it as simple as possible.

Ah, the choices seem endless.

Well, thanks again for the responses. I guess this is how it begins right!?

Tail school in NJ


One of the best 'tail' schools in the country is located at Andover-Aeroflex in Andover NJ. Harrison Ford got his Tailwheel there.

One of the best 'tail' schools in the country is located at Andover-Aeroflex in Andover NJ. Harrison Ford got his Tailwheel there.

Excellent tip!!! Thanks. I see it on the sectional all the time, but end up mostly around Greenwood Lake.
If you want to see things in process I have a QB 8 underway in my shop 5 minutes from N40 [Sky Manor] in Pittstown NJ --- out Rt 78 near Clinton.

Empennage done. Fuselage well underway and wings haven't been touched.

I travel a lot but when I'm home I'm working on it almost all the time!

908-500-5680 is my cel

Tom Agin
Thanks Tom. I will probably try to take you up on that offer sometime. I cross 78 on my way home from my lessons, so I could call to see if you are going to be around.

I ordered my preview plans today. It should be good to see for myself what the build looks like.

Thanks. Andy
Andy. Hi!, I am building an RV-8 at my home in Midland Park. You are welcome to stop by and see progress. Just started the Emp. a few weeks ago.

I also fly a 172XP (cessna 172 with 210HP engine) currently out of 4N1 (West Milford, NJ).
Thanks! West Milford is not so far away either, so I may be looping back around to take you up on that offer in the future. I'm now trying to figure out if I can find a place that will let me start a build. I'm stuck in an apartment so I have to try to think outside the box a little now before I can jump in.

How do you feel about your build space?
My build space is my basement and so far its fantastic. I have always enjoyed building things and like you I have always found "out of the box" ways of solving building space issues. For the first 10 years that my wife and I were married we lived in a second floor apartment over a store. I really enjoyed building furnature so I had a bunch of saw horses and tools that I "hid" under the bed and in closets. Every weekend I would dig out tools, set up saw horses and go to work. Although large space is great with some care and careful thought you might be able to build the empenage and wings in your apartment :)

RV in NJ

Hi Andy,

I am based at Princeton, NJ (39N), with a recently completed 9A with an H-6 Subaru (now 55 hours), and you're welcome to visit. I'm down there most weekends.

We have flying 2 RV-6A's, 1 RV-4, a Glastar , and 3 Lancairs (and one under construction)at the field, and a friend building an RV-7 at his home in a small garage.
Thanks for the input guys!!:)

Allan, I might like to take you up on the offer to come down. You seem to have a few planes to check out. Do you fly all year? Right now, it looks like we have a change in the weather. All wind and rain on the weekends.

You're welcome, I'm in Hangar C-4 at 39N and will be there on Saturday and Sunday from about 10am through 5 pm. As the weather looks nasty, I guess I'll be tweaking my wheel pant alignment and doing some horrible composite work!!!

I'm writing this while on assignment in WV, and will be leaving shortly for the long drive back to NYC.

Yes, the weather is a bummer! I may come down once I know my noon lesson is a washout. Can you PM me a cell number so I can be sure you're down there? Or maybe just shoot me an email if you are heading out. [email protected]

How did you end up all the way down in Princeton from NYC? I know there is a hanger-space problem in NJ, not to mention a tie-down problem. Did you have to go that far to find a home or is there some other reason?

Incidentally, I made that WV drive a few times to jump off the New River Gorge bridge on Bridge Day. Great time of year to be down there, but a long drive nonetheless!

Thanks. Andy

Thanks a TON for allowing me to visit today. I didn't realize just how much I didn't know. And thanks for letting me eat into your build time. The trip down to Princeton was well worth it.:)

Hey hi there ANOTHER ANDY! here!!! :D
I'm also in NNJ (hackensack) and train at CDW! (deja vous anyone?) Have my PPL checkride next week! but have been lurking on VAF for about a year. I'm putting my services out there! If anyone needs any help I'd love to lend a hand..

I'm an audio engineer by trade... LOTS of electrical experience. But would be happy to lend a hand wherever.
I forsee a RV in my near future, but currently shopping for a production airplane in the meantime.

my email is:
[email protected]
Hey hi there ANOTHER ANDY! here!!! :D
I'm also in NNJ (hackensack) and train at CDW! (deja vous anyone?) Have my PPL checkride next week! but have been lurking on VAF for about a year. I'm putting my services out there! If anyone needs any help I'd love to lend a hand..

I'm an audio engineer by trade... LOTS of electrical experience. But would be happy to lend a hand wherever.
I forsee a RV in my near future, but currently shopping for a production airplane in the meantime.

my email is:
[email protected]

Hey Andy ...great luck on the check ride!! I'm on the verge of a solo but the winds have really been horrendous for almost a month now!! But man, flying is still fun!:D

What type of prodcution plane are you looking at? I started another thread about that (kind of). It was a maintenance thread, but for the purpose of understandign the costs of ownership.

I'm looking for a cardinal RG or a early 80's piper arrow... would prefer the cardinal RG...
Where are you flying? airfleet? mac dan?
has been kinda windy! lots of xwinds too! Got my blood pumpin with some 12kt-15kt direct crosswinds flying solo the other week.
Those are both nice planes!

I'm over at Air Fleet. I looked at Century Air a couple years back, but at the time, they were operating out of construction trailers of some sort. Not impressive! I am happy at Air Fleet. Plenty of planes and I like my instructor.

You're lucky to be close to done. I don't think I'm going to keep my pace now that the weather has turned.
39N Princeton


You're welcome, and the weather was so bad that having you visit was a pleasure....only wished I'd remembered to close my car windows during the rain! Anytime you have any questions - don't hesitate to ask me or post a message on the forum.

Hi Andy. I work at CDW and am building a 7a! I work at C & W Probably next door to where you are training. I live a bit further north but you are welcome to stop by and bang some rivets anytime