
Well Known Member
Has Anyone heard any 'NEW' news regarding the Dynon AP. Any availability dates set other than 'late summer'? Wonder if installation kits, namely brackets might be available before the actual Servo's and the EFIS software required to drive the Servo's?

I would ask Dynon directly but I think they are getting tired of the questions.
Dynon sent out emails to RV-8 owners looking for someone to beta test the installation kit and I assume AP performance. Don't bother calling. I replied within 22 minutes but the slot was already gone. Anyway the point is that I think they are getting closer but not yet quite ready.

I was hoping to have one installed before OSH 08. I guess I'll have to hand fly the trip one more time.:D
HS-34/AP-74 Brackets recently available from Dynon

About 10 days ago I ordered an HS-34 bracket (AP-74 bracket = HS-34 bracket as you probably know) so I can install it prior to powdercoating my panel. $15, and came in 2 days...I guess I'll have a spare to sell when the AP arrives!

When asking about the brackets, I slipped in a quick Q about about the delivery outlook, as I too was hoping to have the AP-74 and servos I ordered at SnF installed before OSH like DT.

The Dynon gent was great on the phone, and up front about late summer still being the target. Sounded like they're workin' it hard. No worries, I'm sure it'll be worth the wait...and they've been straight up about the launch timeframe!

By the way, the bracket's a tiny little thing, about 3.5" long and 1/2 to 3/4" or so wide, with a bend pre-drilled to rivet it to the panel. Have seen mixed reviews on it, but I'm going to give it a try, and add a support bracket later if needed, or shift to the neat DIY bracket that Bill R. (N941WR) posted about in the Glass Cockpit section.

OBTW, If you're going with the "high speed" AP-76, from all I've heard and read, it will have a slightly different bracket, as the mounting screw is in a different location than on the AP-74 or HS-34. Not sure if they are selling those brackets separately at this time.

Bob Mills
"Rocket" RV-6
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We're doing a lot of things in parallel at the moment - continued performance testing, expansion of our test program to diverse airframes, installation kit development (for the RV 6,7,8,9 at first, with others to come later), and so on. So the brackets/installation kits will most likely hit at the same time that the servos and AP74 will.

So the HS34 and the AP74 mount exactly the same, while the mounting screw location on the AP76 (which won't be out until later this year) is a bit different. The rectangular cutout is the same though. So while an HS34 bracket will work with the AP74, it won't work with the AP76. We're still figuring out the best way to get around this. This would only really affect people that are starting with an AP74 but are planning on upgrading to the AP76. If that's your plan, don't use the HS34 bracket. If you're only ever going to use the AP74 though, you'll be fine with the HS34 bracket.
The seawind is not one of the airframes that we are currently working on for an install kit. You'll need to work on your own way to mount and connect it, but if anyone has come up with a way to install the TruTrak units in those planes, then we will be identical to that.
is the RV12 in the picture since Dynon is the ELSA panel mount? ...and since we are building wings at this time. thx
Vans has told us that the AP will be an option for RV-12 builders, but you'll need to talk to them about how it mounts. We won't be supplying the brackets for the 12, since I believe Vans already designed them right into the airframe.
Dynon AP Delivery Date?

Was hoping for a hard delivery date anouncement for the Dynon AP (Servos & EFIS Software) at Oshkosh, any chance of that happening?
We're currently beta testing in over 15 airplanes, and it's going well. But we can't give you a hard date- we won't ship it until it is working up to our standards, and there's no way to know this to an exact day.

We do still expect it by the end of summer, based on how well the testing is going. Our restriction is not hardware- we have plenty of servos ready to go, so once the software is ready, we'll be taking orders and shipping the very next day.
<snip> once the software is ready, we'll be taking orders and shipping the very next day.

Just to clarify...if we've already ordered and paid (at SNF in my case), we're already in the queue and will be shipped to as you begin shipping...is that correct? I ordered through GCA, so is there anything further they or I need to do to ensure I (or others in the same situation) are in the queue?

Thanks very much!

First, we never take money from a customer before a product ships. Second, we haven't started taking orders for the AP yet, from direct customers or dealers. We literally have an order book of 0 right now. So we don't have your cash, nor your order. We made it clear to all our dealers that we were not taking orders for the AP before we announced it at SnF, and if one of them called us to put an order on the books, we'd tell them the same thing.

It sounds like you'll need to talk to GCA and see what their plan is to make sure that your order and your money gets sent to us right away when we do begin taking orders. We don't plan on any backlog once we begin shipping, so your spot in the queue doesn't make any real difference, but clearly you'll want it to show up as soon as it can.
I can attest to that. Dynon has been very clear with us dealers since day one that they won't accept orders until it ships. Also, any good shop would never take money for anything up front that isn't even being shipped yet. Those of us that were burnt badly with the Chelton/D2A debacle learned that lesson the hard way. Most won't accept your money unless there is a real product in hand.

We're as excited as anyone for the Dynon AP, but will just have to wait until it ships...then we'll start placing orders as well (still won't take money until the product actually ships).

To note, all of the EFIS companies themselves be it Dynon, AFS, GRT or even Garmin don't take your money until they actually ship you a product - period.

My 2 cents as usual.

So how about some idea of what and when?

Will I be able to have 2 x servo's and 1 x AP76 by the end of the year?

I certainly hope so.

Good Feedback!

First, we never take money from a customer before a product ships. Second, we haven't started taking orders for the AP yet, from direct customers or dealers. We literally have an order book of 0 right now. So we don't have your cash, nor your order. We made it clear to all our dealers that we were not taking orders for the AP before we announced it at SnF, and if one of them called us to put an order on the books, we'd tell them the same thing.

It sounds like you'll need to talk to GCA and see what their plan is to make sure that your order and your money gets sent to us right away when we do begin taking orders. We don't plan on any backlog once we begin shipping, so your spot in the queue doesn't make any real difference, but clearly you'll want it to show up as soon as it can.

Dynon Support: I missed your reply till now, or would have replied sooner. First, thanks much, that's exactly the feedback I was looking for.

I do want to say that my comment about paying up front at SnF was in no way intended to be an "in your face" or "impatient" comment...not at all, and apologies if it came across that way. I was just trying to figure out if I was in your queue (iow, if GCA had placed my AP order with you). Your reply clarified the situation perfectly, and I now know I need to keep open comms with GCA to make sure they place my order when you start accepting them and start shipping. I'm good with that!

Just a note, I ordered several items that day from them along with the AP, including my Garmin stack and a D-10A, all of which I have received, save the AP Servos and AP-74, which I knew would be delayed (as you have been very open and honest about...no worries there). The combo order probably led to my confusion about how the order was being filled, and I now figure GCA probably filled the rest from their stock. So I'm straight on it now, and will communicate with them on getting the AP order in and filled when the time is right.

And Stein, thanks for your comment as well. Just want to say that there is no level of distrust in or condemnation of manufacturers or dealers intended in my comments at all. I really just wanted to clarify what, if anything, I needed to do to get my name in the queue, and this thread helped a lot.

Almost ready to fly the rest of the panel upgrade, and I've got plenty to do in setting up and testing the new gear, calibrating and networking the D100 (which I already owned and operated) and D-10A, learning and using the new radios, etc., so I'll be plenty busy while the AP shipping date nears!

No negative vibe intended at all, and it's all good on my end!

Thanks again!


I don't think anyone necessarily took it negatively, we just all want to flame you any chance we can because you have that "flamed" airplane that can kick just about all of our respective rear ends....I for one admint it stems from pure jealousy in regards to your plane! :)

Happy flying!


I don't think anyone necessarily took it negatively, we just all want to flame you any chance we can because you have that "flamed" airplane that can kick just about all of our respective rear ends....I for one admint it stems from pure jealousy in regards to your plane! :)

Happy flying!


Roger that Stein! I don't mind the "flame" attempts (and I get what you're saying...all in fighter-pilot fun). I just want to be sure all know I'm still smilin' over this issue! Talked to GCA today, and it looks like I'm first up for order placing when the time comes, so all is well. They have my money, but they delivered on everything to date, so I'm happy. Just happens to be GCA because that's where the buddy who was actually at SnF found the best deals that day on our twin Garmin stacks and the Dynon gear. Had you and I been talking before that, well...might have been a different path! :) Good news is the money is invested where I need it, and my bride can't get to it! :D

Now as for that good 'ol fighter humor...bring on the flames! Just tell me when you're tired of looking over your shoulder (through the back of the canopy, that is!) ;) Can't wait to get this thang flying again and meet up with some of the bro's out there!

Edit: Almost forgot to mention...the LED strip light and LED map lights I bought from you are great...went in easily and work great! Great stuff! Thanks again!

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