Bob Axsom

Well Known Member
My last annual NAA record book is for 1995. I know the possibilities for records between recognized points are almost limitless but do you know of any RVs holding any of these National or World Speed Records (Jon Johanson comes to mind)?

Bob Axsom
What about parts of an RV

I think Bruce Bohannan has quit a few time to climb records in his Exxon "flying tiger" plane. I believe it has RV-4 tail parts. Do not know what else is RV on it. Not a speed record but still an RV record.
My last annual NAA record book is for 1995. I know the possibilities for records between recognized points are almost limitless but do you know of any RVs holding any of these National or World Speed Records (Jon Johanson comes to mind)?

Bob Axsom

Bob, in my opinion many of the FAI General Aviation World Records for speed between distant cities are quite meaningless. In many cases they are more a measure of fuel range than airspeed.

For instance most of the RV speed records between distant cities in Australia are held by Jon Johanson in his RV4 and Sean Tucker in his RV8. Neither are slippery fast planes (quite the contrary) but they both have additional long range fuel tanks. This means they don't have to stop to re-fuel.

Buy a Cessna 172 and fill it up with multiple ferry tanks and you too can break world speed records.:D
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