
Well Known Member
Thinking about a trip to the Caymans and am looking at the following place to stay: Westin Casuarina Resort & Spa.

Anybody care to share any experiences they have about the Caymans, Cayman Caravan, things to see, things to do?

Thanks gang, now to pound some rivets on the 10!!
North wall is a great place to Scuba if the winds and currents are calm. Sting ray city is cool for the family. It is up on the north side too I believe. Pretty hot, low winds on the shores. I loved it there. Are you flying or commercial?
Grand Cayman


I have stayed at that hotel twice and recommend it.

Everything is pricey but the whole place is nice.

Rosie has made the trip twice.

Here are links to Rosie's website with RV trip stories on the Cayman Islands.

2005 Trip.

2009 Trip.

I am sure that Rosie will post something about the trip.