
Well Known Member
Hey everyone,

Trying one more time before I roll the sleeves up and do this panel myself. Long story short, I 2x G5s, and a GNC355 to replace existing steam gauges and my gnc300xl from stein with a pre built wiring harness. I planned on doing this myself but life is a bit hectic for the foreseeable future so I was looking for someone to do the install for me. I designed this so no panel modifications would be necessary.

I got in contact with one guy in Ramona but he's ghosting me now, anyone know of anyone else? Avionics shops don't want to do it since they don't get any profit from selling the parts.


I know of several people in SoCal who have been unsuccessfully looking for this unicorn. If you find one, please let me know.
Send me a PM. I have a great guy in the valley but don't want to post his contact information publicly without his permission.