Hello Everyone,

I have been lurking these forums for a while...

A few months ago a friend of mine introduced me to the world of experimental aircraft.

I visited his place and learned how to rivet, drill and a few other things about homebuilding. I help him every once in a while building his RV-8A.

I was bitten buy the bug and would love to build an airplane.

I have been slowly saving money for tools and the first portion of the kit.

Money has been very tight. My son Alex was diagnosed with Cancer. Since his diagnosis everything had been placed on hold. He was 1 year 2 months old at the time. Alex had a very rare form of blood cancer.

The children's hospital in Halifax had not seen this type of cancer in 10 years. Alex had a small chance of survival.

After rounds of chemo and a bone marrow transplant he is still alive and with us.

Recently he has been diagnosed with Autism which is not great, but we can live with it. The cancer was much more deadly.

The frequency of the visits to hospitals has now gone down to once or twice a week. Alex does require 5 hours of in home therapy each day for the Autism. It looks like things are slowly getting better. Alex has a new immune system thanks to the transplant. It has been suppressed via medications because it keeps attacking his organs if where not suppressed. So he cannot go out in public or have people over too often.

I am starting to find some free time now and have almost enough money saved up for a new compressor. The next purchases will be the tools followed by the tail section.

I am wondering if anyone might have any extra tools laying around they do not use which they might be able to donate. From a de-burring tool to a book on homebuilding, I?ll take anything. I literally have nothing so any help would be appreciated to make this dream happen.

This is the only way I might be able to afford an aircraft.

Building a kit in stages is perfect and should take 5 to 6 years or more. In the mean time I can plan a budget and save up for an engine and avionics.

I would love to be able to make family trips in the plane some day. It would also be useful to getting to the children's hospital which is 3 hours driving and requires overnight stays. Hopefully by then that will be all over with.

Again, any help would be appreciated.

I currently am working at the local flight school dispatching during the night shift to finish of my commercial & IFR ratings. On weekends I have a part time job photographing weddings. My wife is an air traffic controller so we are making ends meet. If it were not for here job we would have declared bankruptcy a long time ago.

Below are a few photos of our family & experience.

If you have anything please email me, call or send me a private message.

Thank you so much.

P.S. - If you cannot donate anything to me, donate blood at your local bank or become a member of the international bone marrow registry. Blood donations and ultimately a unrelated bone marrow donation saved my son!

Sebastian Dundee
Dieppe, New Brunswick, Canada
[email protected]
1 (506) 961-6735

Alex & Daddy the day it was discovered he had cancer:

Having Some Fun at the Hospital in Halifax.

Just hanging out:

Hospital room in Toronto:

Still smiling during Chemo:

Last trip to the outside world before a few months of isolation for the bone marrow transplant:

Mommy, Alex & The bag of bone marrow which ultimately allowed my son to live:
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Back home after 1 year of living in hospitals across the country, we still have to live in Halifax for many more months, but at least we're out of the hospitals:

A recent photo of our family. A week after Alex was diagnosed we found out we were having another child:
