Scott Will

Well Known Member
My little could spend hours watching the flying scenes from 16L and 16R. Want to get her some more flying videos for Christmas. Any good suggestions for DVDs with lots of good inflight video coverage? She particulary loves the Pitts acro sequence... can't say I don't blame her!

Appreciate the help!

How about 12 O'clock high....or .......Memphis Belle.......or.....Catch 22?

Good footage in all those and guaranteed to stimulate some discussion......

Just Kidding, Scott.........really.

PM me your address and I'll send you a copy of my "To Build an Airplane," three years into 3 1/2 minutes. Kids love it. Includes 1st engine start and 1st flight. No, I won't Youtube it.

Bob Kelly
"The Magic of Flight" is a good one. Blue Angles, and other footage filmed in IMAX format. Very kid/family friendly.