
Well Known Member
I'm giving serious consideration to converting my SLSA to ELSA and was wondering what experience others have had with the process if any.
I understand the pros and cons with the different registration, just mainly interested in the steps involved.
Thanks in advance.
Should not be a problem.

I do them all the time. Basically you have to fill out the paperwork, change the "Light-Sport" placard to "Experimental" and change the passenger warning from "Special Light-Sport" to "Experimental Light-Sport".
You will need an inspection to show that you have not modified the aircraft outside the manufacturer's specs to be exempt from phase I flight testing.
Pretty simple and straight forward.
A question I have pondered, what would be the advantage (or disadvantage) of going ELSA rather than EAB?
A question I have pondered, what would be the advantage (or disadvantage) of going ELSA rather than EAB?
I can't speak to E-AB, but the Phase 1 for the ELSA was five hours. It could also crop up at resale, but that would require a fairly sophisticated buyer to even notice. The cost of ELSA was not being able to a lot of things that would have been done easier during the build rather than waiting until after the inspection.
I Went this Route Before

Several years ago I went from SLSA to ELSA with an Eastern European SLSA I owned at the time. The main advantage for me was being able to perform my own annual condition inspection after taking the required 16 hour class. It was also an advantage to be able to make modifications/parts substitutions without getting manufacturers approval (which was becoming problematic in my case). I thought that it also made the aircraft easier to sell when that time came since many savvy buyers were aware of these same advantages. I was not required to do any Phase 1 testing by the DAR since the aircraft was currently flying.
A question I have pondered, what would be the advantage (or disadvantage) of going ELSA rather than EAB?
ELSA, a non-builder subsequent owner can obtain a repairman certificate and sign off on his or her own condition inspections.

Plus, I could be wrong, but I don't think there IS a path from S/ELSA to EAB.
Mel would know, but I recall there is no path back to ELSA once the aircraft is moved from ELSA TO EAB. Might also apply to the move from SLSA to ELSA, you can not go back? Just a caution I recall when these aircraft categorizes are moved by their owners. Correct?
Mel would know, but I recall there is no path back to ELSA once the aircraft is moved from ELSA TO EAB. Might also apply to the move from SLSA to ELSA, you can not go back? Just a caution I recall when these aircraft categorizes are moved by their owners. Correct?

There is no path to go from ELSA to EAB. EAB must be an original certification. Going back to SLSA from ELSA is possible but not likely. The original SLSA manufacturer would have to do this, and that's not likely once the aircraft has left his control.
So if one made changes to an ELSA that removed it (permanently as I understand it) from LSA category, you are saying that it would only be an expensive yard ornament?
So if one made changes to an ELSA that removed it (permanently as I understand it) from LSA category, you are saying that it would only be an expensive yard ornament?

That is correct. However if those same changes were made to an EAB, the airworthiness certificate would remain valid, but it could no longer be flown by a sport-pilot.