
Well Known Member
I have an old TruTrak DFC-250 in my RV-8 and love it (when it works). The "programmer" (aka head unit) is dying and after talking with TruTrak its just not worth fixing.

I am about to start a small update to my panel.

My guess - but can't seem to confirm - is that only TruTrak EFIS and programmers are compatible with the TruTrack servos.

Thus far I know the following:

TruTrak - TruTrak servos
Dynon - Dynon Servos
MGL - MGL servos and TRIO servos
GRT - ????
AFS - ???
Garmin - interfaces thru vendor solution

If the Gemini AP were available, I'd likely go that route as a "lite" EFIS.
TruTrak - TruTrak servos
Dynon - Dynon Servos
MGL - MGL servos and TRIO servos
GRT - GRT Servos
AFS - TruTrak Servos with TT/AFS control head
Garmin - Same as above but it's TT/Garmin control head

TT servos would require TT control head (or one of its variations such as AFS or Garmin GX)..

Of course, GRT and AFS can drive a TT autopilot (but again, it'd require TT's control head)..

I have an old TruTrak DFC-250 in my RV-8 and love it (when it works). The "programmer" (aka head unit) is dying and after talking with TruTrak its just not worth fixing.

I am about to start a small update to my panel.

My guess - but can't seem to confirm - is that only TruTrak EFIS and programmers are compatible with the TruTrack servos.

Thus far I know the following:

TruTrak - TruTrak servos
Dynon - Dynon Servos
MGL - MGL servos and TRIO servos
GRT - ????
AFS - ???
Garmin - interfaces thru vendor solution

If the Gemini AP were available, I'd likely go that route as a "lite" EFIS.
TT - AFS Strategic Partnership -

Don't forget the TT/AFS Strategic Partnership. See here:

My personal view is that it is better to keep the AP Control Head seperate from the EFIS (so that the AP can work even if the EFIS gives up the ghost) but still have a good level of integration between the EFIS and AP Controller.

For this reason I opted for the AFS EFIS and the AF-Pilot AP, which is made by Trutrak for AFS. The AF-Pilot uses standard Trutrak Servos.

Steve - Having separate EFIS and AP has been my strategy for a while now ... although VFR and on a budget :)

My inquire is because I have a TruTrak DFC-250 and the programmer is dying a slow death. I would rather not pull the servos so I want to continue with a compatible AP.

One challenge is that the old DFC-250 has spoiled me. I often use the vertical features such as VS Select for cruise climb and planned descent and Pitch Trim Annunciation.

One day I will 'modernize" :eek:
One thing you need to understand is while the Trutrak, AFS, and Garmin AP all are built on the same platform, they each run slightly different software. This allows for proprietary and unique integration into AFS and Garmin EFIS.

The generic AP head will work with just about any EFIS, but won't have the tight integration that the specific vendor model would. What it basically boils down to is a few more button pushes. Your servos will work with any of the Trutrak heads. You shouldn't have to replace them.

I would give Andrew or Lucas a call at Trutrak and solicit their opinion. Especially, if you aren't prepared to make an EFIS decision right away. They may be willing to upgrade the AP head down the road for you when you do make the EFIS decision.


Steve - Having separate EFIS and AP has been my strategy for a while now ... although VFR and on a budget :)

My inquire is because I have a TruTrak DFC-250 and the programmer is dying a slow death. I would rather not pull the servos so I want to continue with a compatible AP.

One challenge is that the old DFC-250 has spoiled me. I often use the vertical features such as VS Select for cruise climb and planned descent and Pitch Trim Annunciation.

One day I will 'modernize" :eek:
Thanks Bob,

I actually spoke with Lucas this morning (while ordering a part to keep my DFC-250 running). I let him know my plan and that I was looking forward to some of their upcoming work :cool: