Mark Albery

Well Known Member
Five holes on each side of the F-822-1 front floor need to be dimpled #30 for flush rivets.

I can get the squeezers in to all but the ones closest to the LG box, where access is blocked by the LG box weldment. Im considering slipping in the longeron to use the countersunk hole as a female die and using a hammer and male die to form the dimple.

Any better ideas? (I don't have the 'pop rivet dies' in #30)
How about squeezing the dies together with a pliers? Or the "vise grip" syle dimplers...of course the pop rivet kind are cheaper if you're buying a new tool anyway:eek:

I'd hate to ding the long with the hammer method, but "you gotta do what you gotta do"

Let us know what you end up with, please.

It took a bit of jiggling, but I finally got in with the C-frame from behind and used the extension die holder to stop the top of the frame fouling on the seat bracket.

It's amazing how the answer comes if you stare at it long enough.

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