
I'm New Here
Hello all,

Having been away from aircraft ownership for almost ten years, it looks like I'll have the means to get my own plane again in the near future. Apart from a few certified acrobatic mounts here and there, most of my flying has been brand c, p and b, with some rotor as well. I'm not flying 135 anymore, so have no no real need for anything IFR capable (Tho it's a nice-to-have feature), but do want something good enough for sportsman-level acro and quick enough to complete medium-range xc missions in reasonable time frames.

Which has led me over and over again to Van's planes. I'm not really interested in building, even the proverbial 90%-there project. Because my budget's at the lower end, I've decided on a -4 or -6, depending what I find. I do have one serious concern, however, in that I'm 6'3 and around 200lbs.

I've read enough to know that there's considerable variation in cockpit size, depending on cushions, pedal placement, etc. Again, my budget won't quite stretch to an RV-8, much less something like the -14; from all I see out there on the market, built and flying and within my price range, I'm looking at -4s and -6s.

I'm posting this to see if there're any Van's owners in the Denver area who'd be willing to show me their aircraft and allow me to have a sit. Maybe even go up for some laps or whatnot if I pay for gas? Most of all though, I'd just like to see what the comfort level is for someone of my build in one of the earlier two-seaters.

Longmont, Front Range and Rocky Mountain Metro all have active RVs. I'd bet that if you go out and walk around on any decent weekend, you'll meet some of the guys.

The RV airplanes will fit you, so that ought not to be a worry. But since these planes are individually built, it's possible that a particular one might be set up for a smaller pilot.

Boulder, RV-3B under construction
Welcome, Lawrence! Just a data point for you: the gentleman who built my 8 was your size and flew it for 150 hours before he sold it to me. I had to adjust the rudder pedals to suit my 5'8" frame. I don't know anything about 4s or 6s but I'm willing to bet you would fit in one.

I'm based at Denver Centennial and there are a few 4s and 6s on my field as well.
Colorado Springs

There are a bunch of RVs in Colorado Springs as well at KFLY (Meadowlake). Contact one of the officers at Chapter 72, and I'm sure there will be several for you to check and possibly get a ride. I know of at least a -4 and several -6s, among a bunch of -8s.
Thanks all for the replies. My concern's mostly been with fatigue level on longish xc's, I'm fairly sure I'll fit, but it's nice if one can stretch at least a bit. I'll be following up on the various suggestions here, and appreciate the feedback.