
Well Known Member
Hi folks, the following is a sad tale with regards to some of the more unscrupulous people in aviation out there.
Long story short, I've bought 4 plus aircraft (and assorted props, instruments etc) from alot of different people. I used to get inspections, and paper work before sending money and I was never burned. I have developped a faith in the aviation community over the years and I've stopped getting inspections and paper etc. first... well I've finally been burned.

What I'm looking for is some advise so that 1. these people cannot do this to others and 2. maybe I can get some money back.. who knows.

Long story short, nice C150 on barnstormers, fresh annual, fresh paint, blah blah, comps all over 70's. all logs are up to date and paperwork is in order. 17,900.00. So, we exchange lots of pictures, we are assured everything works and is on the up an up. We settle on a final price of 16,500, (includes a 2 hours ferry flight). We arrange to meet in Sault Ste Marie, Michigan where we look at the paperwork, lots of 337's etc missing, but we're assured they've been forgotten and will be forwarded. We give the balance of the money (fella insisted we wire 9000.00 as a deposit b4 he would fly anywhere) and fly away home (Ottawa, Ontario).

The fun is about to begin, it takes over a month to get all the records from the FAA (they were updating stuff cause the old owner had sent in some new records at the last minute). We find out, that this aircraft has been damaged not once but twice (we were told there was no damage history), a wing and the firewall has been replaced. The aircraft logs have all kinds of entries for equipment and cylinders, annuals etc... since 2000... not one stc, 337 or field approval at the FAA. The are numerous examples of out and out misrepresentation. The compressions are not all over 70, they are 78, 68, 54 and 38. this is after having flown the aircraft roughly 10 hours since the last annual, and most of that was us flying it home. We've replaced the engine.

Is this not fraud? How can an IA get away with records like this? At the best, really poor record keeping, at its worst, falsfying aviation documents.
Can I send the logs to the FAA and have this guys license suspended? How about the FBI for mail fraud (he required that we wire him money)

Bottom line, I should have had a pre-buy, I know, I know.. see my preamble.. It will never happen again. But How do I prevent this kind of thing from happening to someone else?

thanks for letting me vent


I'm an IA and a pilot... each customers that wants to buy an airplane goes through me first... and they have to agree to do what I tell them too... amazingly enough all the ones that did are still alive... and the guy that did not.... well that's another story. (smushed in a Hiller.. see my website) We go do a pre-buy... I do a FULL HARD CORE ANNUAL WITHOUT CHANGING FILTERS... so we dont call it an annual till fundage exchanges hands. Most planes have hidden damage history of some sort. So if it's in there and it's documented properly... it will show. Airframes dont lie. it's like CSI. I take pictures of most every step of the inspection. The problem is ... it's hard to find good customers like this.. I just had two customers disobay direct orders not to fly their airplanes (oil filter had metal in both). The asian guy flew it once around the patch in front of me!!!! and I explained to him what would happen if he crashed... to him and me... darn lawyers.. I then had another customer I did an annual for... grounded the airplane for metal in the oil filter and I expressly told him and his brother not to fly it... over and over and over.. and I see his brother has been recieving flight instruction in it. So I called them up and I told them if I see if fly again, I'll pull the tower tapes and have their licenses pulled, that got their attension.... When the engine shop says dont fly it cause the engine is making LOTS of metal... perhaps you'd better listen... the Asian guy cannot get his money back either... cause no pre-buy was done. Poor guy... every time I speak to him I feel like I need sub-titles... The responsibility of the purchase of the airplane is firmly on the buyers hands.... Smart people get a good mechanic, and do what they are told to do.. I saved my friend 50 grand on a mooney..(found it had been geared up.. and NO RECORD OF THAT WAS IN THE LOGS!!!.. Sure... the mechanics are duty bound to make good records, but often the owner does not put the stickies in the book, or changes things in the book to make it look better... or just omits things. Sure the mechanic should be disgraced... but you dont put an accountant in charge of the pre-buy on a nuke sub... you put a nuke sub guy on the pre-buy.... you put the accountant on the pre-buy of the business.... Let the bread maker make the bread people.... !
You find out the hard way... or you are extreeeeeeemly lucky.
ps... questions are always free.... so DONT HESITATE TO ASK!!!! I'd rather you get a safe airplane or whatever than see somebody hurt. I make enough to pay the bills.. why get greedy?

PS... DONT waste your time going after the mechanics... they know how to cover their tracks and they are extreeeemly hard to pin down.... they can say... well who knows... musta happened in the last 20 hrs... I had no knowledge.... It will cost you more in Legal fees than anything... plus you'll never get anything cause the mechanics are usually dirt poor anyhow...
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Sorry you had so many problems. You should have bought mine, it's on barnstormers also and it is ready to go and up to date on everything no bad hidden history just good flying. Part of it may be that you got what you paid for.
I hear you fellas... its really my bad for not insisting on a pre-buy... but it feels so good just to rant. The plane is in good shape, all the work was done properly,, just not documented... you know change radio and transponder, do the W&B, but no other paper. this kinda stuff. The engine,,, well.... we were had plain and simple.. comps done is Jan all over 70's, then 6 months and 10 flight hours later one is 38? naw thats bogus... oh well... new engine, all the paper work is done an she does fly nice... looks good with new paint and interior etc...we'll sell it eventually and move on... thanks for listening :)