
Well Known Member
Maybe it is still too early - but has anyone heard anything out of anybody that works (or previously worked) at NavWorx?

There are a number of us actively using their product(s) and would like to continue doing so. We were so close to a software upgrade that would solve known issues....port 2, anonymous, SL-70 to name a few.

Those of us operating under AMOCs have equipment that could be used past the 2020 require-date. It would be quite unfortunate if the entire user community would be required to spend money for the same product again.

The certified users are also impacted with the cut-off of support and bug-fixes. Any certified users out there with a maintenance plan from NavWorx?

Still hopeful for something...anything!
"The U.S. Department of Transportation?s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) proposes a civil penalty of $3,685,000 against NavWorx Inc. of Rowlett, Texas, for allegedly producing and selling navigation units that did not meet FAA requirements and for allegedly misleading customers about those products."

the FAA is expected to share the $3,685,000 fine with the people that invested in the product.........

Yeah Right!.................:mad:
the FAA is expected to share the $3,685,000 fine with the people that invested in the product.........
Uh-huh. And they're expecting to use butterflies ad heavy lift vehicles. I'm betting there isn't $3.7M to be squeezed out of the corpse of Navworx.
Uh-huh. And they're expecting to use butterflies ad heavy lift vehicles. I'm betting there isn't $3.7M to be squeezed out of the corpse of Navworx.

If there is any money left, would be good to refund customers rather than let government take if.
Uh-huh. And they're expecting to use butterflies ad heavy lift vehicles. I'm betting there isn't $3.7M to be squeezed out of the corpse of Navworx.

I have no doubt the FAA wants to return proceeds to affected parties after any settlement it extracts from NavWorks (minus its costs....) But like you, I doubt NavWorks has the assets to support that outcome - if the FAA prevails. At any rate, it would probably take years. A separate class-action supported by a "generous" lawyer might be something to consider, but would likely conclude with a similar result.
My hope would be one of two things...

1. An agreement with NavWorx to re-organize and provide ongoing service to existing customers - the FAA (and) NavWorx's lawyers should go after the company the advertised the 'replacement' GPS chips to be compliant. Get a new 'approved' chip and move on!

2. Require NavWorx to sell or release its Intellectual Property (IP) to the public domain so that a willing business can provide ongoing support to the existing paid customer base!

The -112 and -113 (certified) owners have units that are lacking the same software upgrades that the -012 and -013 owners need. There are four known issues that I know have been identified...: Port 2 display, anonymous mode, SL-70 interoperability, and dual-band (UAT and ES) signal reception / display. Port 2 and the anonymous mode were advertised as being fixed in the to-be-released software version. I'm working on a workaround for the SL-70 and will publish that when I get it sorted out.

This product line has a better feature-set and interconnection variety than anything else out there that I have would be a great shame for it to fade away.

Seeing this is a 'home' business means a re-organization is unlikely - but a sale of IP and assets with an agreement to eliminate the FAA liability could allow for a future for the product and customer base...the bankruptcy court may facilitate this for us!

I am still optimistic that a future path exists - thankful, meanwhile for what I have that works like it does!