
Interested to know if there are any clubs that have either built or are flying a vans kit?
Seems that most flyers of these planes are also owners from what I gather in here.
I'm a member of a club which currently flies two 172's.
I'd like to introduce the idea of the club building or buying a TEN but I think the idea/presentation would go best with an example.
Would also like to know how the insurance company of a club would feel about a kit plane in the club inventory.
Then of course, someone in the club would have to take lead and be the primary builder to keep with the 51% rule.

Thanks in advance.
51 percent rule

Can be multiple builders

Issue is insurance. Start there to find someone who would insure your club and what qualifications would be

A smaller group of four or less might be more manageable
Then of course, someone in the club would have to take lead and be the primary builder to keep with the 51% rule.

Thanks in advance.

I don't think there is such a thing as a primary builder, officially. Just that 51% of the labor be done by unpaid workers, for their enjoyment or education.

Yes, talk with your insurance company. The usual problem clubs have is: (1) insure all members in the -10 (means high premiums if there are low-time members) or (2) exclude low time members, which can lead to internal problems. Add that to the issue that most insurers charge clubs a higher premium anyway.
A few of the guys at work were looking at buying something for them to fly on their days off. Among the various things they explored was a 10 that would be purchased flying instead of building. I don't know if this would be true for all companies but the guy doing the legwork gave up on the 10 idea after contacting a couple insurance folks to get quotes for about 5 guys, all with ATPs and multiple turbojet type ratings. The rates and requirements (nobody had 10 or any other RV time) were prohibitive. This was a few years ago now. Perhaps things have changed.