
Well Known Member
Looking for a CFI with RV time in Virgiinia. I'm a student pilot with 65+ hours in a 172 and a Warrior, flying out of an airport 50 miles from home. I bought a RV9A in April, it's in a hangar less than a mile from my house. I found a DPE that'll test me in my 9, and my 27K hour CFI with every rating from ATP on down is willing to fly w/ me in the 9. Only problem is my CFI doesn't have any time in the RV so I cant' get the insurance to fly it. So thought I'd take a chance and see if anyone knows a RV experienced CFI that I might finish my PPL with....
Carl's recommendation was spot on.... local, cfi-i, rv time, and a client of mine (no idea he was a cfi). Appreciate the feedback from all. Dugaru would still like to fly w/ you when you've got time. Ed