
I'm New Here

I'm being referred to a cardiologist to check some things out. Would prefer to have one that is at least a pilot, if not AME in the Austin area, since they understand the intricacies of FAA medicals and cardio-logical health. If anyone knows of one, please let me know. Finding good medical providers is tough. Figured maybe I could narrow it down if any are in the aviation community.

Welcome to VAF

Jason, welcome to VAF:D

Have you tried AOPA medical? They might be able to give you some guidance here.
Hi, Thanks!

Yeah, interesting for a first post, huh? I do have an RV7 kit being shipped as we speak, so not just a lurker. Finally decided not to proceed on a Cozy. Been working on one on and off for ten years and it hasn't got far. Realized for my mission that an RV7 is the perfect match. Not sure how I missed them before, or I'd already be flying it.

Doesn't have to be an AME. FAA AME database doesn't have any near me that are cardios. As difficult as it is to find good providers, I figured I start by narrowing down by if they were at least a pilot first. Been running a ton of names through the FAA databases. No luck yet. Could have been a couple, but several folks withhold their address from the pilot database. Haven't been an AOPA member in years. EAA has been receiving all of my charitable donations for the last few years.
I'm an anesthesiologist in Dallas. I fly with a couple of fellow docs. I'll ask them. Would you be willing to drive up to Dallas if I found a good one up here?
Also-are you being referred to a cardiologist by an AME or just by your primary doc? If it's a complicated case, you might want to talk to someone like me about it. You don't want to end up with a denial, so I would consult someone before going to an AME. I'm not an AME because I don't feel like dealing with the FAA bureaucrats, but I have helped a lot of fellow pilots with their complicated cases.

Also-are you being referred to a cardiologist by an AME or just by your primary doc? If it's a complicated case, you might want to talk to someone like me about it. You don't want to end up with a denial, so I would consult someone before going to an AME. I'm not an AME because I don't feel like dealing with the FAA bureaucrats, but I have helped a lot of fellow pilots with their complicated cases.
Jason, I think this is some excellent advice, if it's not already obvious to you. Awesome offer, Mark!
You might discuss this with your regular AME, who might be fully able to advise you. In addition, a decent cardiologist should be able to set tests up so that they are covered under your insurance and meet the FAA's requirements, if the situation goes that far. In some cases, the AME can confer with the cardiologist to help explain the FAA's requirements.

Something to consider

I am an AME and tell people to try and separate "church and state".

If you have any issues you want a reasonable AME to work with you. I don't like also being the primary treating physician for pilots if I'm also doing their exams.

Its a bit like getting pulled over by the cops, be honest and give them what they need.....but don't offer up extra info!

You can easily look up anything that AME's/FAA will need to clear most issues yourself by doing a quick google search.
Mark - PM sent

Thanks everyone for all the advice. I too believe in separating primary care doctors from my AME. It keeps from putting both of us in an awkward space due to their obligations as an AME, and how so many things are very subjective in nature. My medical expired a few years back because I've been out of the game, but getting back in soon.

Thanks Again! Looking forward being in the RV community.
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Over ten years?

Have you looked into Basic Med?

Excellent point. Actually, that's my immediate plan, but I would like to preserve my ability to get a med cert in the future in case I do some paid flying.

Mt last medical was a 1st class med back in 2010. I haven't done the Basic Med previously. I just did the online portion a couple of weeks ago. When I get the current issue cleared up, I intend to go that route for the time being.

Great advice on church and state, not that anyone has stuff to hide. It is just the language barrier for lack of a better word. There is Davenport at Millonaire at Austin (KAUS) and Graves Owen in Round Rock. My 2 cents is if you can qualify under the basic med checklist I would get that accomplished yesterday!
I had to deal with the FAA on a cardio issue (that was fixed) and boy what a pain it was. They ordered all kinds of tests my cardiologist said was pointless and took the FAA over 6 month to approve the special issuance! Thank goodness for Basic Med. Wish I could get into some commercial stuff too but it just isn't worth the risk to me. Your situation may be quite different though. I really hope you can find a doc that helps you out but in end be ready for a bunch of tests...
I went down the special issuance route due to afib. The best advice I got was from a forum at Oshkosh - find an AME that does a lot of SI and consult with them first. Before they get their hands on your MedXPress number they are just another doctor and can talk confidentially. I had one recommended to me in Bulverde and I credit him with my getting and keeping a second class. At least until this year. I had a knee replaced last year and the Feds started moving the goal posts. I switched to Basic Med because the risk was no longer worth the slight gain.
After my stint with a stent, I found the following article to be helpful. My former AME (retired) is a friend of 30+ years. Shared this article with him and he clarified the "less than obvious" aspects. I consider this a good primer to achieve your goal.

The route to a special issuance medical
by John Munch

One day, I’m enjoying retirement, flying when and where I want, and life is good. The next day, my cardiologist calls. That routine stress echocardiogram two days ago showed “a problem” with a coronary artery.

Now what?

Well, first of all, I’m grounded as pilot in command. Next, an angiogram, and depending on what the doctor sees, I could need anything from nothing to a coronary bypass.

For me, the outcome was okay. Two coronary arteries were almost blocked. The doctors placed two stents during the angiogram/angioplasty and fixed the blockages. So, in and out of the hospital the same day, take it easy for a few more days, then back to everyday life. Good to go… but medically grounded for any flying that required my third class medical certificate.

So it’s back to some new choices to consider:

Quit flying.
Fly under LSA rules, which don’t require a medical certificate.
Apply for a one-time Special Issuance Third Class Medical with the FAA.

Since I’m 72 years old and have enjoyed 40 years of recreational flying, some part-time flight instructing, and trips around the American West, maybe it was time to just call it quits. After all, this was not my livelihood, just a challenging hobby. For three months after my stents were placed, quitting seemed like the best option. But, as we all know, not flying when you have the skills and ability to fly, is hard to do.

I could continue flying under LSA rules but the closest Light-Sport Aircraft available for rent was 100 miles away in Torrance, California. Buying a new or used LSA might work but renting airplanes has always been the most economical way for me to fly.

So in May 2018, five months after my stent placement, I decided to pursue the Special Issuance. By then, I knew it could take up to six months of waiting for the FAA to decide my fate. AOPA would prove to be a big help guiding me through the process.

The starting point was a Google search for “FAA Special Issuance,” then a review of AOPA’s medical website pages along with the FAA.gov website. AOPA’s website has plenty of useful information about what information the FAA requires for disqualifying medical conditions to be considered for a Special Issuance.

Next, a couple of conversations with AOPA medical experts in the Pilot Information Center. They confirmed that I would need a healthy dose of patience, many pages of medical records, and even a little luck along the way. In my case, the required records included a cardiologist’s current evaluation and prognosis, a current treadmill test, and required medications. All treadmill tracings were to be included.

Luckily, my healthcare provider, Kaiser Permanente, makes requesting records a simple online procedure. Within two days Kaiser emailed everything. One hundred and eighteen pages later I had all the documents I needed.

Then, a visit to Office Depot to run off three copies of everything: one for the FAA, one for AOPA, one for my AME, and I would retain the originals.

Now I was ready to send all my records to AOPA’s Pilot Protection Service medical experts for review. AOPA said it would take about two weeks for them to review the package and let me know if all was okay, or if more information might be needed. This one key step is the best thing you can do to try to get ahead of the FAA approval process. The AOPA Pilot Protection service is worth every penny of its nominal cost.

AOPA’s medical specialist said the package looked good but the cardiologist’s summary needed more detail. With a revised summary, she said chances for FAA approval were excellent. Another advantage of Pilot Protection is you can always call and speak with an expert to answer questions or clarify any issues. Pilot Protection cannot return your records package.

Next, a visit to my AME for a third class medical exam. He’s done my exams for ten years and is familiar with my overall health. His office administrator is also an FAA wizard and quickly sent the completed package to FAA. Now, the four to six month wait began.

After two weeks, I called FAA’s medical standards and they confirmed my package had been received. You can call this number (405-954-4821) anytime for a FAA status update, but it’s almost always a recording that says they’re overwhelmed and to call back later.

The FAA scans all document packages into their system so mine was in the queue. After scanning, a technician reviews the information and the package goes to the end of the line to await an FAA doctor’s review and decision.

After two months of waiting, I received an FAA letter. Could this be my approved Special Issuance?

Nope… it’s a “request for more information.” Ironically, they don’t want anything heart related, but they wanted a current vision field test. I have previously reported ocular hypertension for three previous medical exams, a condition my AME has approved within his FAA authority.

Now a quick scramble to my optometrist for the test, then mailing by priority mail to keep the process moving along. This glitch will move me back toward the end of the line. The FAA won’t hold your place in processing when they request additional information.

Since my package went to Oklahoma City in May, two months had passed and the waiting clock restarted. Now it was August and all I could do was call the FAA every two weeks to check on my processing status.

On October 10th another letter arrived. What now? Surprise… my application was approved and my new Special Issuance third class medical was included with the letter. The new medical would allow me to fly for seven months, until May, 2019. After that I could apply for a renewal third class medical certificate by submitting some updated, relatively simple, cardiac information to my AME.

BasicMed was another option if I did not have any new disqualifying health problems. So, that was my easiest way to keep flying as PIC. I used my regular AME for the health exam. After completing the rest of the BasicMed, process I am now good to go.

Was it all worth it? For me, the answer is yes. I had the time and resources to pursue the Special Issuance and that time would have gone by even if I chose to stop flying.

As the pilot population ages, more active pilots will encounter disqualifying health issues and a loss of their flying privileges. The route to Special Issuance is challenging but not impossible.

To have the skills to fly and not use them because of some health issues can be one of those choices you may look back on and regret. The door is open… why not follow the route and get back in the air?

John Munch