Well Known Member
Greetings, I am almost finished with RV12 number 177. My father is now interested in building one, or parts of one. He is a snow bird, splitting seasons between Rhinelander, Wisconsin and Citrus County, Florida. Any RV12 builders in either one of these locations?

I'm a ways from Rhinelander ... I'm in Fort Atkinson! Nice to see other RV-12 builders in the State!
Spruce Creek....

,....just south of Daytona has -12's. It's an airpark....a high-end air park with a huge EAA chapter and more than 100 attendees at their third Thursday-of-the-month meetings.


He would be weclcome to stop by 39FD, Steinhatchee Ancient Oaks Airpark. I to am almost finished with mine, but due to medical issues with surgery I have not worked on it for the past four months. Steinhatchee is very close to Citrus County if you come 98/19 south you are only four miles from airpark.
Repeat Builder
VAF 172
J-3 Cub, NC88583