
Well Known Member
I actually am building in the East mountain area (Edgewood). It would be nice to be able to cross pollinate lessons learned with other 14-builders in the area if there are any.
Sent you a PM. I am in the Albuquerque area but not currently building anything yet. Would love to meet up.
I'm a former builder/owner of RV6A in Rio Rancho. I fly regularly - but unfortunately I no longer own my RV.
Awesome Craig, what do you fly now?

Your signature says that you are a CFII, hypothetically, if one were to obtain an RV would you be able to teach in type? Or do you know any CFI's who could?
kclo4, I sent you a pm. Doesn't seem to be many 14-builders in the Albuquerque area. I know of one guy at the Midvalley airport that is getting close to first-flight, another lady at the Moriarty airport that has bought the emp kit but hasn't made much progress from there, and me.
I split my discretionary time between flying my 180 and building my RV and find that that fits my needs. I'm building a slow-build RV by myself so that is making it take longer, but I have no regrets. There are a lot worse ways to spend your time than in your workshop making slow, but steady progress on a really cool project.
I have a hangar and a 10 year old RV10 in Sierra Blanca Regional. Live in Ruidoso area part time for now. Will be happy to exchange lies.