The new rule was supposed to be published Monday, and I keep looking for it in the Federal Register.

Probably next Monday, or maybe Friday is a good guess. (Why do you think the car companies announce recalls at 5:01pm on Friday, huh?)

Here is what the EAA has to say.

Movement Preserved

Final 51 Percent Rule Report a Win for Homebuilders

August 20, 2009 ? In their final duties as co-chairman of the FAA?s aviation rulemaking committee (ARC) on amateur-built aircraft rules, EAA?s Earl Lawrence and Dick Van Grunsven of Van?s Aircraft signed off on the ARC?s final report this week. Publication of the report in the Federal Register is imminent, and EAA believes builders will be pleased with the end result.

Lawrence, EAA vice president of industry and regulatory affairs, said the final report leaves intact an amateur builder?s freedom to build any kind of aircraft, of any type, size, and complexity, so long as he or she completes ?the major portion? of the project; that is, 51 percent of the construction. The ability to obtain some commercial builder assistance is also preserved, provided the major portion requirement is satisfied. Amateur-built kits already on the FAA?s Approved Kits List will be ?grandfathered,? not re-evaluated, while an FAA-appointed team will examine new or unevaluated kits.
