
Well Known Member
...We are always looking for new products that we can bring to the RV community to enhance the "RV Grin" or experience. In this quest we found something that is needed and many would want if available for their aircraft. We will need to do a few refinements and make mounting kits for the various models, but this looks like a real winner. So you may wish to get your order in early and avoid the inevitable big rush. Let us know what you think. Allan...:D
Wing bolt drift pins

Alan you make great mods and your marketing is outstanding. I haven't bought any of your products yet but I will someday.

A lot of people are still building and this maybe a great idea to manufacture these pins. Years ago Tony Lanaken from Belgium was selling his I saved the picture. Many builders are struggling making their own pins from hardware store bolts some of them are using close tolerance and ruining them. Why don't you use use your superb machinery and laser cut extra alodine some of these?


I am positive there will be strong demand for them especially after you make your famous videos :)
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Alan you make great mods and your marketing is outstanding. I haven't bought any of your products yet but I will someday.

A lot of people are still building and this maybe a great idea to manufacture these pins. Years ago Tony Lanaken from Belgium was selling his I saved the picture. Many builders are struggling making their own pins from hardware store bolts some of them are using close tolerance and ruining them. Why don't you use use your superb machinery and laser cut extra alodine some of these?


I am positive there will be strong demand for them especially after you make your famous videos :)
......Thank you for the kind words I assure you they are appreciated. I will have a look at making these sets. Do all of the models use the same size?...:D
......Thank you for the kind words I assure you they are appreciated. I will have a look at making these sets. Do all of the models use the same size?...:D
I think so (not sure)... and I'd buy a set as long as they are small enough to go in and out easily but not be too lose.
......Thank you for the kind words I assure you they are appreciated. I will have a look at making these sets. Do all of the models use the same size?...:D

Nope - I had to make a different set of pins for the RV-3 - could only use some of the pins I made for my -8.... (there is some overlap).
If you decide to make the wing pins, machine the head down next to the shank for about an eight inch wide, make the new OD about half of the current head diameter.

This will leave a two step head size, and will allow a pry tool to fit in between the head and the spar.
Nope - I had to make a different set of pins for the RV-3 - could only use some of the pins I made for my -8.... (there is some overlap).

The RV-10 has two different sizes. I don't know if either size is shared with other models.

Here's a idea to improve an existing product offering.

Sell clamp-on exhaust header taps for the separator/evacuator systems.

Very easy to fabricate....can be built and sold at a moderate price. Eliminates field welding of the tap into the stainless header.....field installation only requires drilling and deburring a 5/8" hole in the header pipe. Little or no vibratory fatigue issues at the weld, which is now between a curved plate of any desired thickness and the 5/8" tap tube (the tap tube can also be tacked to the clamp bodies). Supply a small rectangle of ceramic gasket material with the assembly.

If it sells well send me a check ;)

I second the motion.
Sell clamp-on exhaust header taps for the separator/evacuator systems
I just bought your install kit along with the oil separator and the reed valve.
Only trouble, I have to find someone to weld that stub on the exhaust pipe.
Alan you make great mods and your marketing is outstanding. I haven't bought any of your products yet but I will someday.

A lot of people are still building and this maybe a great idea to manufacture these pins. Years ago Tony Lanaken from Belgium was selling his I saved the picture. Many builders are struggling making their own pins from hardware store bolts some of them are using close tolerance and ruining them. Why don't you use use your superb machinery and laser cut extra alodine some of these?


I am positive there will be strong demand for them especially after you make your famous videos :)

yes i'll buy them immediately
I'm with Ian...

wing bolt drift pins?

...and I haven't yet got to the "bolt on the wings" phase. What are wing bolt drift pins? I sense I'll need them soon (I'm still on the cockpit).
...and I haven't yet got to the "bolt on the wings" phase. What are wing bolt drift pins? I sense I'll need them soon (I'm still on the cockpit).

These serve a couple purposes-----for temporary installation of the wings to do some of the various things that must be done with the wings on-----but you are not ready to mount them for good. Such as wiring runs, fuel line fitting, pitot line fitting, etc.

The other place they come in handy is for final wing installation, put in the drift pins, then one at a time replace a pin with the final bolt.
Tip-up blocks

How about a set of Delrin or similar guides for the tip up canopy to nest into when closing? I've seen several builders use these at the bottom of the rollbar. Seems to be a good alignment aid.

Also, some nice handles for the tip up for lifting the canopy.

Another rendition of the covers for the engine cowling hinge pins.
jeez I wish my CNC lathe wasn't down for repairs at the moment, or I'd crank out a few sets :)
Drift Pins

Hey Alan,

Didn't want to steal the thunder on this idea but we at JD Air Parts have a full line of Drift Pins underway and they'll be available right after the first of the year. We've been working on these for a couple of months. All sizes will be available.

Keep up the great work with your stuff too!!!
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I did this once:

I made a mount for a single bike that clamped onto the wing struts and step on my Citabria. My partners didn't like the idea too much, and it was noisy. I've seen everything imaginable strapped to the outside of airplanes in Alaska. Here, not so much.


...We are always looking for new products that we can bring to the RV community to enhance the "RV Grin" or experience. In this quest we found something that is needed and many would want if available for their aircraft. We will need to do a few refinements and make mounting kits for the various models, but this looks like a real winner. So you may wish to get your order in early and avoid the inevitable big rush. Let us know what you think. Allan...:D
Gust Protection Device

Still looking for a gust protection device. My goals.

- Affordable
- Install on the controls in the cockpit (no chance of leaving in place)
- Provide resistance without initial locking
- Easy to install and remove
- Light
- Protects aileron, rudder and elevator.
- Etc., Etc.
Here's a totally outside the box mod that would be cool, but possibly impractical. How about the ability to use a side-by-side RV either as designed, or as a centerline single seat arrangement. I know that I will fly my -9 solo about 75% of the time. It would be cool if I could remove the passenger seat, slide the left seat to center, insert stick in center position, remove and insert pedals for center control. Is this just way impossible or is it doable with reasonable effort?

I should mention that one of the reasons I have been thinking about this is the inspiration from some of Vlad's recent photos on his extreme cross country flights. Some of those photos show him assuming unconventional body positions in order to remain comfortable on those long stretches.
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Here's a totally outside the box mod that would be cool, but possibly impractical. How about the ability to use a side-by-side RV either as designed, or as a centerline single seat arrangement. I know that I will fly my -9 solo about 75% of the time. It would be cool if I could remove the passenger seat, slide the left seat to center, insert stick in center position, remove and insert pedals for center control. Is this just way impossible or is it doable with reasonable effort?

I should mention that one of the reasons I have been thinking about this is the inspiration from some of Vlad's recent photos on his extreme cross country flights. Some of those photos show him assuming unconventional body positions in order to remain comfortable on those long stretches.

Anything is possible... one issue with sitting in the middle will be your landings. It is very difficult to time your flair and get the stick in your belly by looking over the glare shield. The 9's forward vis. is certainly better than the 6, but I rely on finding the edge of the runway, centerline, ground, whatever reference out the lower side corner of the windscreen. I do not think I would have a very good reference sitting in the middle. I am sure there are some folks in the forum that have sat in a wide center seat airplane, but the only ones I have flown are pretty narrow, much narrower than a 9.
Another idea/request for RV-6/7

Sell a mod kit that will mount the electric flap motor on the side of the fuselage instead of between the seats.
A "Real" Sealed Tip Up mod

How about a mod that actually "seals" the the front lip of the tip-up canopies on the 6,7,9? :D
canopy guides

How about a set of Delrin or similar guides for the tip up canopy to nest into when closing? I've seen several builders use these at the bottom of the rollbar. Seems to be a good alignment aid.

Here are the guides I built. The screws fasten to nutplates riveted to an aluminum plate inserted throught the large hole in the back of the roll bar.

I'm SURE they've saved me a cracked canopy more than once.

A revised roll trim device for manual trim installations

Would like to see a mechanism that could be installed ( between the seats) for 6,7,9 that would replace the manual friction hold roll trim lever. The devise would be a worm drive with adjustment wheel that would adjust the spring tension same as the original. would bolt into the same location and eliminate the original friction hold lever from backing off and also give better adjustment feel.
Trim Mod!!!

Would like to see a mechanism that could be installed ( between the seats) for 6,7,9 that would replace the manual friction hold roll trim lever. The devise would be a worm drive with adjustment wheel that would adjust the spring tension same as the original. would bolt into the same location and eliminate the original friction hold lever from backing off and also give better adjustment feel.

This looks like a good idea and we will have a look see. Thanks for the input. Allan....:D
RV 4 Canopy stay

Hi Alan

How about an RV4 Canopy stay. I have seen several different methods perhaps you can come up with something that has universal appeal???
Trim Mod!!!

The Location for the worm gear trim mod might work better oven on the left side of the pilot again down below the floor pan. This location might be favored by the center console side by side RVs like mine. Presently my console is modified to be able to get to the manual trim, but inconvenient.

I just spent several days making and installing sheet rubber seals for where the flap rod exits the fuselage and where the wing attachment fittings exit. They are held in place with an aluminum ring that is pop riveted to the skin. These were for a Midget Mustang, but I wish I had installed some on our RV-8A ten years ago. I am still looking for an aileron rod seal in the shape of a bellows for the in and out movement. Lancair makes an aileron bellow seal, but the price is astronomical! We fly all Winter long and I know these would eliminate a bunch of drafts.

Hope these ideas are suitable for some new products.

I really good aileron push tube boot is an arm or leg out of a cheap painters suit. Held on the tube with a nylon tie and an AL ring in the fuselage.
Rudder spacers

I added carpet to my RV-6 (1" hard foam + 1/4" thickness of carpet) and now the bottom of the hanging rudder pedals are hitting too low on my feet (in the arch). This tends to cause pushing on the brakes when landing. How about a spacer at the bottom that also raises the contact point up 1". All the other solutions just space your foot away and does not raise the top of the contact point.
if you can do this then you are a real winner!

a proper bore scope to inspect our cylinders for under $150!!!:cool:

i will be first to buy one and i am sure you can get it done by the end of the year. thanks for all your great products.

I'm finding that I only use my handheld GPS for driving the AP. I use my iPad Mini for all my charts and airport info. It sure would be great to have a cable that plugs into the Mini which will allow the use of the GPS data stream to drive the AP. That would free some panel space if I could eliminate the handheld GPS.
Sounds Great!

I'm finding that I only use my handheld GPS for driving the AP. I use my iPad Mini for all my charts and airport info. It sure would be great to have a cable that plugs into the Mini which will allow the use of the GPS data stream to drive the AP. That would free some panel space if I could eliminate the handheld GPS.

Out of my area of expertiese, but sounds like a great product! Thanks, Allan..:D
Seat back mods

Alan, you are just great at modifying existing RV parts. I have recently seen some mods for lowering the back of the seats on the 6, 7 & 9. This is a very useful mod and enhances cabin space and accessibality in flight. Could you set up jigs to lower top of the seat back and reinstall the adjustment flap? I think there would be much interest.
Alan, you are just great at modifying existing RV parts. I have recently seen some mods for lowering the back of the seats on the 6, 7 & 9. This is a very useful mod and enhances cabin space and accessibality in flight. Could you set up jigs to lower top of the seat back and reinstall the adjustment flap? I think there would be much interest.

... I was reading the thread on this subject and thought "This looks like a great little modification". So off to the airport I went with every intention of retrieving the seat backs and doing this to mine. I was amazed to find that they only rose above the crossbar about 1&1/4" with the seats in there rearward position and our "Almost a 14 seat mod"installed in my RV-9A (not really worth it on mine). I haven't had a chance to look at all models to see the difference and evaluate the benefits. I did see a stock RV-6 and the seats really are tall in comparison, it would surely gain space and access from this mod. The tip-ups are more limited with baggage area due to the roll bar and the would gain as well. I will look at the others and report back soon. Thanks, Allan...:D
This looks like a good idea and we will have a look see. Thanks for the input. Allan....:D
HERES ONE FOR YOU ALAN. MAKE A ELEVATOR TRIM WHEEL assembly to fit just behind my fuel selector in my RV9A, maybe 6"- 8" .Between the seats. Push forward or rotate aft in wheel travel. Maybe even use the Vans supplied trim tab cable.

Ron in Oregon
EAA 292 Independence Oregon.
#3 cylinder cooling

Allan--I think you mentioned once you were working on a solution to the #3 cylinder cooling problem. Are you still working on that? --LeRoy Johnston RV6A "Esperanza" 780 hrs
Bent stick

Likely still some reasonable demand for a bent RV8 stick and possibly with proper hole at base to route wires from grip.
I was thinking of a small gadget to keep the rod end bearing that gets attached to the flap actuator from ever coming loos. Vans solution is to drill a small hole and safety wire this but it has been to variable type satisfaction and result. I know what I would make if I had access to a some fancy equipment to mill a gadget which I am sure it is not hard to imagine.
How about a tool that lets you torque the rod-end jam nuts on the tail? For extra credit, make it so that it works while the rudder and elevators are assembled to the stabilizers.
