
Active Member
As many of you, we are headed to Sun n Fun for the week. I?ve got a wish list to take with me but had a question about antennas.

I?m thinking hard about putting as many antennas inside the plane under fiberglass tips, fairings etc. as possible.

Does anybody have any photos or info about installing com, nav and transponder antennas on-in places other than outside the aircraft?
I've gone with the Archer wingtip nav antenna, and 3 light marker beacon. That's just a piece of wire in the wing tip, at the end of the Coax.
I'm reading here on the forum that glideslope antenna are placed at the leading edge of the roll bar. It's under the windshield, but not in view.
I went with a standard transponder stubby antenna near the center, aft of the rear seat bulkhead after searching this RV-8/8A forum, and installed a rather expensive (if new) high speed blade antenna for comm, under the left passenger footwell, somewhat toward the center, but out of the exhaust stream.
I couldn't find anyone who seemed satisfied with a buried Comm antenna, and I had to do something different than the bent whip (I don't know why).
GPS antenna goes on the cowl top behind the windshield, as others have done.
I want to go with the new 406 ELT, but a quick search here indicates that the antenna can't really be hidden under the empanage fairing like the olde 122.5 ELT. maybe that one gets to stick up off the back seater's grab bar.
Or maybe it sould stick out the bottom. The only case I can think of where you would really need the ELT to help you would be if you flipped over on landing?????
I'm not flying yet, just sharing what I'm doing, compiling from others and wondering about...
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Whatever you do, you have to keep in mind that the Comm Ant should be installed VERTICAL (in normal flight refer to the horizon). I don't know if there is correct place which is not covered Aluminum and vertical, where you could hide the antenna underneath.
But, the NAV Ant should be installed Horizontally and this enables to hide the antenna inside the plastic wingtips.
Ariel Arielly
Most nav antennae.

We put all the nav antennae in the wingtips but decided that we didn't want any compromise on clear, distinct communications, so the com antenna is mounted under the belly, with really good results.
