
Well Known Member
Has anyone put a comm antennea in the cowl cheeks, of course they need to be fiberglass and I was thinking copper tape type on both cheeks and some how connect the 2 If it has been done and works I would like to try it it is all about weight for me. Ideas?
Gear Leg Stiffener Antenna

When I bought my gear leg stiffeners, the instructions said that an antenna down the stiffener would work well.

I'm not far along enough to try it yet, though.

RV-3B, building wings and tanks
She got legs...

Has anyone put a comm antennea in the cowl cheeks, of course they need to be fiberglass and I was thinking copper tape type on both cheeks and some how connect the 2 If it has been done and works I would like to try it it is all about weight for me. Ideas?

Never tried the cowl cheek but I tried several other locations on my RV4. Wingtip (archer), Gear Leg(copper). I also tried a Handheld antenna mounted onto the aft fuse underneath the rear canopy. All worked OK including gear leg however, my frequent unimproved strip forays(my home strip the worse) often broke the BNC connection where the fairing met the fuse. Ended up with an external bent wire antenna on belly aft of rear cockpit.

Still there and working after 15 years...

PS: If I were building I would glass one of these into my upper cowl...http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/avpages/antennasystems.php
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