
Active Member
These are the approximate locations of my planned antenna mounting points. Does anyone see any concerns with these locations?

I'm probably violating slightly some of the rules here -
  • FreeFlight FDL-978-XVR says: For small aircraft, the antenna also should be separated as much as practical from the windscreen to prevent case-to-antenna coupling.
  • Garmin GTR200 says: The antenna should be mounted a minimum of six feet from any DME or other COM antennas, and four feet from any ADF sense antennas. The COM antenna should also be mounted as far as practical from the ELT antenna.

Here is the picture of the antenna locations:

SteinAir has recommended antenna placements

In the reference info on their web site.

Don't know if that will answer your question, but thought I would mention.
i didn't know about Stein's reference document. Thank you. This is funny because what I came up with almost exactly matches what he has listed on his site. Even down to the dual antennas under the pilot & copilot seats!

That is the validation I was looking for...

Stein's reference document here