
Well Known Member
I have two com antennas located behind the spar as far outboard as possible. I am considering mounting the ADSB antenna in the left wing and the transponder antenna in the right wing, both just outboard of the first inspection panel and both TED. This will get them >3' from the com antennas. Any concerns with this plan?
No issues with the comm antennas and they are sufficiently far apart that they should not interfere with each other, which is the main concern.

I started with a transponder TED but changed it later for two reasons:
1). They are easily broken
2). Much more drag

Com antennas already installed. I am trying to decide on transponder and ADSB locations. Also trying to decide on Dynon OAT location. I am ready to move beyond wiring. Maybe I should have built day VFR rather that full IFR???

Anybody got any pictures of their antennas?