
I'm New Here
I’m in the planning stages for an RV-10 and wondered if anybody has installed nav and comm antennas in ZipTips Premiere wingtips.

The mission would include a lot of IFR so reliable nav and comm are, of course, critical.

My concern is that there are strobes at both the fwd and aft ends of the tip and that it might be difficult to keep electrical noise from getting picked up by the antennas.

I have archer Nav antennae in wingtips with both conventional and LED strobes. Works very reliably. My casual research tells me that wingtip based Comm antennae are not reliable due to improper polarization.
Good point on the comm antennas. The plan is for those to be on the belly, I shouldn’t have lumped them in with the nav on my original post.

Thanks for the reply, much appreciated.
GPS antenna in the left ZipTip, and an Archer VOR/ILS in the right one. Both work like a charm.

I did use copper shielding tape on the forward light boxes, mainly because I’m “detailed” like that. I’d heard there was some strobe bleed-though, and indeed, there is a tiny amount of it - even though my comm antennas are on the belly. Maybe I’ll use the copper tape on the trailing edge strobes and see what that does.

Overall, I’m super happy with them.
GPS antenna in the left ZipTip, and an Archer VOR/ILS in the right one. Both work like a charm.

I did use copper shielding tape on the forward light boxes, mainly because I’m “detailed” like that. I’d heard there was some strobe bleed-though, and indeed, there is a tiny amount of it - even though my comm antennas are on the belly. Maybe I’ll use the copper tape on the trailing edge strobes and see what that does.

Overall, I’m super happy with them.

Which version of the Archer NAV antenna have you installed in the ZipTips? I was under the impression they wouldn't fit in there. I'd love to hear otherwise!