
Active Member
I was about to finish up riveting the fast back on my 4 today with the help of a buddy, and thought I'm going to need hearing protection laying in the tunnel bucking rivets.

We stopped by the local HF, and found the ANR hearing protection sets only a few dollars more than the standard set and purchased 2 sets for $14.99/ea.

All I can say is Wow! As soon as the riveting would start the noise level immediately decreased to a low decibel amount, and when the riveting stopped we could easily communicate with each other. Each set requires 2 AA batteries which is suppose to give 200 hours battery life, and has adjustable volume control which controls how much you hear when a loud noise is not present. Noise clamping begins at 85db.

These are not nearly the design or wear quality of a Pilot headset, but in my opinion a great tool for the shop.