TS Flightlines

Well Known Member
Welll since its the time of year to state what we are grateful for, I have a few. I've previously mentioned the Dr's, nurses and staff that saved my life. To Suzanne, who has been by my side for 5 years, but even more the past 5 weeks. To the RV community and Doug and Susie, all of you have been so compassionate, it makes the healing process much easier. Lee Logan, Dennis Argetsinger, Ray Eaker for constantly checking on me, and offering lot of help. (no my 7 isnt finshed yet:eek:) .

Santa does come around. Thought he was in Texas at Rick's place but he found his way to SC, but in the form of a Realtor. Leased a house in Ridgeland, pretty close to 3J1, and we will be moving mid January.
What that means to the RV community is that I'll have a much larger area to develop and build the components and assemblies for you. Suzanne will have the office space she wants (I think), and over all a better deal for us. We arent foreseeing any delays for customers (normally), although the past 5 weeks havent been normal to us anyway.

WE certainly want to thank all the RV community for their prayers, cards, emails, phone calls and text messages from all over the world. Its a very great feeling to have!
Merry Christmas to all----and keep building and flying.
Tom and Suzanne
Glad you up and running Tom. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Suzanne.
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Great news from Tom and Suzanne

Hey Tom,
That's fantastic news. It's good to be surrounded by love when we need it most. Keep mending, and good luck with the new property.

Merry Christmas!


Glad you are recovering. All my support to you.
Wishing you a Marry Christmas and Happy New Year! :):):)