Unfortunately cell phones are extremely unreliable while airborne. Any cell based solution will be met will difficulty in implementation for our purposes as pilots. Not to mention the FCC issues.
I downloaded it this morning and installed it on my Blackberry. Seems to work great! I've got a few friends who were watching my drive into work this morning. I'll be happy to add any of you to my friends list if you'd like to track me throughout the day.

Like mentioned earlier, cell coverage can be tough in the air. Oddly enough though, I know several folks who claim pretty decent data coverage though. If that's the case, then this might not be a bad option. I'll have to get up in the air and give it a shot.

Even if coverage isn't that great in the air, it's at least another option if you're on the ground and waiting to be found. Obviously there are still several areas where cell coverage isn't that great - even on the ground.
