
Well Known Member
I'm at the step where it's time to dimple the outboard leading edge skins and just realized that there is no way my DRDT2 is going to be able to get to most of the rivet holes without completely undoing the prebent airfoil shape. How do you get in there to dimple? I'm guessing my tool-buying pause just came to a screeching halt? What did you guys use to dimple those holes?
You can get there. It just requires brute force and bending your LE skins in ways that make you very uncomfortable. Just like you would have to do with a C-frame.

Surprisingly, the LE skins return to form, even after what seems like horrible abuse.
Leading edge dimpling with a DRDT-2

I used the DRDT2 to do mine, I must have because I have no other tool other than a pneumatic squeezer. It's been a while but I believe I put the skins outside up and drooped over the edge of the dimpling table. This allows you to basically bend it back easily to 90 degrees and so the handle can be pulled down without interference. The skins will rebound back to their original shape. If I can find a photo I will send it to you.

BTW I'm completing the finishing kit and engine arrives next week. I've never stopped buying tools and replacement parts! :D

This is a RV-7 tank skin.

Me Too!

I used the DRDT2 to do mine, I must have because I have no other tool other than a pneumatic squeezer. It's been a while but I believe I put the skins outside up and drooped over the edge of the dimpling table. This allows you to basically bend it back easily to 90 degrees and so the handle can be pulled down without interference. The skins will rebound back to their original shape. If I can find a photo I will send it to you.

BTW I'm completing the finishing kit and engine arrives next week. I've never stopped buying tools and replacement parts! :D

What he said... I also turned the skins outside up and hung the inside edge under a table..if that makes since. Used the DRDT-2 with no problem.
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Make sure skin is flat

I did as the others with the DRDT2 also. But you gotta make sure the skin is flat, if the skin flexed on me, the dimple wasnt very good. It took me some force to keep everything lined up and flat on the most forward holes.
I'm guessing my tool-buying pause just came to a screeching halt?

Wait until you get to the avionics .. you pretty much need every crimping tool ever created in the history of mankind lol
Thanks guys. I didn't think I could bend the skin enough to get access to the forward-most holes using my DRDT2 without causing a permanent set. Sure is helpful having folks who have already been there, and can show photos of how you did it. Thanks!