
Well Known Member
Well, late yesterday afternoon Black Magic took to the sky again. I went to the airport yesterday with the intention of flying but thought it might not happen. I ran my wingtip wires and ended up with a short somewhere "in the system". It took a little longer running the wingtip wires than I had anticipated, then I had to chase down that little gremlin. While working, I got a visit from an aspiring 7 builder originally from Greece, who showed up with his homemade gyros....he now owns a Greek restaurant in Florence, KY. After some great food and conversation he left and I ran down to the store for a caffeine boost. Quick use of the electric screw driver got all the wingtip screws in and the time was at hand to fire her up. The wind had died down but the light of day was also dwindling. Out towards the runway, cycled the prop, runup, position on the runway, a good once over of the panel and in goes the power.

I took some aerobatic training last week and in the process was able to get some tailwheel time. It was like riding a bike, tail up, a little back pressure and up we go....she's airborne again after nearly a year of rebuild.

I can say without a doubt, this Barrett Precision engine is one sweet, smooth running engine!! I got in a nice 45 minute, high power setting run around the airport. Everything was in the in the green. I gained some altitude, pulled the power and did a clean stall followed by a full flap stall. Now time to head back to the airport. I'll rate the landing an 8.....but the airplane is reusable.

I won't be able, due to April 15th. being two days away, to get out to the airport until Thursday but it is a shot in the arm to help get me through the next couple days, knowing she is not longer a paper weight.

Keep on pounding, it's even sweet the second time around!!
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That's great, Dana. Quite a process you've been through. A tribute to your perseverance!

Very happy for you.:D
Otlichno! Tak derzhat'!

I was following your rebuilding closely as well. Glad to hear you are back in the saddle again. Hope to meet your Magic and you some day in the air...

Do not forget yellow caution tape when you are flying to different airports. Or get those compact inflatable barricades:D

Congratulations Dana. Aviating again, couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Now you need to park Black Magic next to Mikey and Valkyrie some time so he can learn how to type. Looking forward to reports of his adventures.

Thanks gang, it was like taking an old friend flying. She handled as she handled before.....predictable. It is still such a "rush" (dating myself with that word) to take something I built in a garage out for a absolute rocket ship ride. These airplanes are just too much fun:D

The local FBO better make sure he has adequate fuel supplies come April 16th;)
Well Done Dana! It was fun working with you both the first time and the second time around....although this is the first time we've worked with someone a "2nd Time" on the first plane solely because an idiot/moron ran over your plane with a flying garbage can!

All's well that end's well! Good to see it in the air again, and it'll be nice to see it at OSH this year - where I believe you still owe me a cold beverage!?!? :)

Do not forget yellow caution tape when you are flying to different airports. Or get those compact inflatable barricades:D

I've hired a rodeo clown for Sun & Fun..............I just hope when something comes close, he doesn't run and jump into the barrel;)

Stein, you got it....a cold one headed your way. Thanks for all the calls and letting me pick your well versed brain.

I do have so many to thank. As far as vendors, we here at VAF are blessed to have access to the following vendors. They were an absolute great group to work with on the rebuild.

Van's Aircraft
Barrett Precision Engines
Grand Rapids Technology
Trio Avionics

I tell you what, look at that group, it doesn't get much better. Thanks.
home made gyros

I got a visit from an aspiring 7 builder originally from Greece, who showed up with his homemade gyros

Anybody else read that and think "Now that's taking experimental aviation to a new level... building your own gyro instruments!" Then "Oh wait... originally from Greece..."

Or was I just being extra slow today. (Don't answer that :rolleyes:)
Anybody else read that and think "Now that's taking experimental aviation to a new level... building your own gyro instruments!" Then "Oh wait... originally from Greece..."

Or was I just being extra slow today. (Don't answer that :rolleyes:)

Now that's funny, I don't care who you are! :D Huge congrats to you Dana! See you next week at SnF.
Just Curious

Glad you're back in the air. Just curious, do you have to do the entire Phase I again or an abbreviated version?
Glad you're back in the air. Just curious, do you have to do the entire Phase I again or an abbreviated version?

Nope, I contacted FSDO and was informed I don't even fall into the 5 hour phase 1 for major change as I replaced the engine with the same model number and replaced the Hartzell CS with another Hartzell CS of the same hub model. I know......there is no rhyme nor reason. That doesn't mean I am not going to be diligent in checking things. Even if I did have to re-enter Phase 1, it would have only been for 5 hours and I'll be watching, recording, testing, inspecting things for more than 5 hours anyway.

A local Texas tailwheel 152 owner had to have his form signed by an IA when he and an A & P put a oil filter bracket on his engine....considered a major change:confused:
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Nope, I contacted FSDO and was informed I don't even fall into the 5 hour phase 1 for major change as I replaced the engine with the same model number and replaced the Hartzell CS with another Hartzell CS of the same hub model. I know......there is no rhyme nor reason. That doesn't mean I am not going to be diligent in checking things.

This is correct. What you did was a major repair, not a modification. No phase I necessary.
おめでと ございます!(Omedeto gozaimasu! for those who don't have the Japanese characters enabled. It means 'congratulations!') 
Congrats on getting the Black machine in the air where it belongs.

I will ditto the comment on the smooth Barrett engine. So far, it is down less than a half quart of oil and has been run pretty hard. Oil is still very clean, I'd bet anything the rings are seated. Getting close to 10 hours of run time.
Congrats for 1st flight 2.
I can't even imagine going thru what you've had to endure.
I'll buy you a cold one at snf.
Congrats Dana!! Ear to ear smiles out here on your behalf. Man, what a journey...and what a great outlook you've had! Can't wait to see 'Magic in person! (Maybe at OSH?!). Happy flying on the 16th! ;)

Congrats Dana


We have both followed your progress and we are both glad to hear your bird is back in the air.
Way to go

Dana. Looking forward to seeing you next week. BTW, does Rhonda still get to go to Key West? This still ain't fair!!!
Thanks for all the comments gang, truly appreciated.

Now for all you still pounding.......keep it up, these airplanes are seriously worth it.

Dana. Looking forward to seeing you next week. BTW, does Rhonda still get to go to Key West? This still ain't fair!!!

I'll be there!! Don't know, I got no response other than a phone call wanting money;)

Again, congratulations, Dana. Maybe now I can see that thing fly!

Bob Kelly

Bob, whatcha doing Saturday? I got an email from Webb, he is coming up to see his dad in Lexington this weekend. I'd say we will be doing some flying Saturday. TeamRV has a formation clinic a little over an hour flight from here Saturday that I am thinking about hopping down just to hang out with friends, good food down at London airport, maybe a hop over to Rough River. I do want to get this new Barrett Precision running for some extended high power time.
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Second First Flight

Great News!! Ain't these flyin machines great performers. What were your stall numbers?
Charlie RV-7, Tucson
Great News!! Ain't these flyin machines great performers. What were your stall numbers?
Charlie RV-7, Tucson

Hey Charlie, thanks. The stalls were right at what they were before, and that did not surprise me with the replacements I used in the rebuild, 61 mph clean, 55 with landing flaps. I'll get a much, much better feel for those speeds as I will be calibrating the AOA on the GRT tomorrow and playing with approaches using AOA over the weekend.

April 15th. has nearly come and's flying time!!