
Well Known Member
On the day of my 60th birthday N321BV, RV-7 S/N 74171 received its Special Airworthiness Certificate!! The maiden flight will take place soon when schedules and weather are coordinated.

Here are the basics:

RV-7 Standard build
3 years 1 month elapsed construction time
2070 hours logged construction time
Superior IO-360-B1LD2 engine (horizontal induction)
Whirlwind 200RV prop
Christen inverted oil system
Dynon Skyview EFIS, EMS, COM & I/C, ADAHRS, XPDER, ADSB, 2 axis autopilot
1086 lbs. empty weight

Happy Birthday, and congrats.

Pretty sure you will love the present ;)
Wow! If I did the math right, that's about 37 months. I passed age 60 46 months into my build and wasn't even close to ordering the finish kit...
Well Done Bill!

Great job, and welcome another NC RV to the local airspace! Where is your Phase1 area? Im holding an RV/Rocket gathering at 8A7 on the 16th of April if your flying by then..we have several RV's and an F1 Rocket based there, with 2 more RV's almost ready for first flights. Are you basing at KGSO? My day job is there, so I will keep a watch for you !
I have been retired the last 2 years so got to work on it pretty much full time. What a difference that makes!!

The plane is based at KBUY, test area 100 miles. Mid April is probably a little early to think I will be venturing away from the airport but hopefully I can meet up with you all another time!!
