
I'm New Here

I want to report that RV-8 N802RV broke the bonds of earth this morning at 6:47AM at the Nashua airport. It was eight years in building.

The plane flies like a dream! No rudder trim is needed at cruise and no roll trim was needed with both tanks at same fuel level. There were a couple of minor squaks that will be fixed this week. One squak that will take some time though is that the pilot's arms are about an inch too short!

Bob Di Meo

Congratulations! Post some pictures sometime. I used to live in Nashua. What kind of flight test area did you get to fly in?


Fly over the Green Mountains to Bennington VT (DDH) or Chapin Field (1B8) in Cambridge NY and say hello when you finish your flight test phase.

Jim Sharkey

Hey Bob, that is tremendous! Congratulations !

You cornered me a couple of times at Don's doughnut meetings at Osh asking about Catto props. Did you wind up with one?

Bringing it to Osh this year?

It's great to hear another "old timer" has taken to the skies. I know you and I have been beating these keyboard keys together for a long time. Congratulations!!! I hope to see some pictures soon. Take care my friend and enjoy!
