
Well Known Member
Congrats to Ron Schreck who outscored Pitts and Giles to win Sportsman at the Carolina Boogie in Wilson, NC this weekend in his RV-8. Ron also had the second highest percentage scoring flights of anyone in any category with his last two flights just under 87% each. It doesn't get better than that.

So right now RV IAC participation remains extremely small, but at least the few involved really show what an RV can do in the hands of skilled pilots.

So as tradition requires me to say, Ron - move up! :)
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RVs and IAC

Congratulations Ron. When I saw him fly at the Carolina Boogie contest last year, I knew he could do it. By the way Eric, congratulations on your first place finish in the Advanced category. You and Ron should try and go to the IAC Nationals this year. If Patric Coggin and I could make it, there could be 3 RVs at the same contest. Hope to see y'all in Rome, GA for the southeast contest in June.
Bill McLean:)
RV-4 slider
lower AL
I was wondering why there were no RVs in the aerobatic competitions. At least none on the west coast?! Good to hear there are some out there.
This is when i wish i had an aerobatic capable airplane. At my little field, we have a solid group of at last 7 people focused on the IAC competitions. They are flying yak-52, yak-55, and a decathlon. It sure looks like a blast. It's amazing to see the improvement as well. I think the person making the most improvement has had her license for only a couple of years. Amazing improvement!

Hmm, i hear the -14 finish kit is out. Hmmm. ;)
Ive flown with Ron a time or 2. A great stick, great aviator, and a great ground instructor. He has been practicing a lot. Go Smokey! And congrats on your performance.
Congrats Ron! I recently just competed in my first IAC contest at the Air Force Academy and had a blast, finishing second in Primary. Flying acro at a field elevation of 6500 ft is no easy task, let me tell you. Although, I flew it in an S2C, not the -7. Because my tipup RV7 doesnt have the quick release installed on the canopy, I am prohibited from flyng the RV, which is too bad. But I will tell you, it is a lot of fun, I am surprised more RV pilots arent doing it to be honest. As Eric informed me..."I'm now hooked!" Give it a try, you might also become hooked.
Congratulations Ron! Watched enough of your practice routines to know you were going to be right up there in the standings! You worked hard and it certainly paid off. Pam and Bill
Thanks for all the kind words. I get the same question at every contest I attend: Why don't we have more RV pilots competing in IAC? A very few of us have proven that the RV is a VERY competitive aerobatic airplane. I can attest that the IAC welcomes new competitors and the local contests are low stress gatherings of fun loving pilots just like you and me. If a 69 year old fart like me can make a decent showing in IAC competition what's holding the rest of you back? Come join the fun!