
Thanks to Paul and Victoria Rosales, my 9A made it's first flight Saturday (19 June 2010). -Apparently one day shy of ten years between our respective planes. I'm working on a couple of squawks but everything else is otherwise healthy with my bird. I'd also like to thank Dayton Murdock for providing a thrilling vantage point to calm my nerves as chase in his RV-4, to Mercedes for transition training, and last, but not least, Larry... your knowledge is unsurpassed. :)

Personally, my first flight grin started small but is increasing with each Phase I hour. It was well worth the adventure and I look forward to more memories.

Thanks to Doug too for providing us the means to share within the community.





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Way to go Andrew!

You give those of us behind you hope. Add another digit to the flying 9/9A hobbs meter.
Nice Piece of Work

Way to go Andrew!! :cool:

High altitude first test flight. That's how all 9A's should be tested. :D

You might be able to make Osh this year. That would be great! Another 9A to fly with.
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Good show Andrew. Congrats on building and flying the RV-9A.

You live in a very picturesque area of the country. I love those mountain scenes.

Great job Andrew! Way to stick to it even with your logistical hurdles. Finish Phase 1, and you can take the Card tour with Rosie in your own plane. Unforgettable!

That is great news! Dayton said he was surprised at how well you plane climed and how fast it is. Does this mean he will stop bragging about how fast his -4 is? I think not.
Looks like Minden?

I recognize those mountains from years of soaring there. Pretty place for an RV.
Way to go Andrew! Though it appears that "other wheel" is in the wrong place!! Just kidding. Have fun and be safe! :)
That first photo is beautiful-- it belongs on Van's website next to the first-flights counter!

RV-3 Newb